Page 4 This has been a really bizzare week at the Other Press. For the first time we had most of the copy in on time, we had a paid typesetter, we had film and we were going to get more supplies. But then dissaster happened. Or dissaster after dissasters I should say: our typesetter «quit after only four hours, there was no power on produc? tion day so there was no Way to put cut a paper, and when we ‘did get the power back we had hardly any staff to put it to- gether. To top it all off oup types.tter ran out of film just as we ware stru:glins to fin nish the thing. Help. Other Press More Dances Less Smuf TO ALL DOUGLAS COLLEGE STUDENTS: To all students who feel that they are not getting their money’s worth from the entertainment offered by the DC Student Society: Presently, entertainment includes Pub Nights, Intra- mural Sports and _ the occasional Dance. We are aware that these events are not suitable for everyone. If you have any suggestions or complaints regarding the social. activities, please come to the Student Society office in the Cafeteria building on the McBride site and see me. If I’m not there, speak to one of the other student represent- atives or leave a message for me, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Naturally, the Student Society can’t make every- body happy, but we’ll do our best to represent every- one’s interests. YOU WANNA JOIN? GO AHEAD. .. SEE IF After reading the October 16 edition of The Other Press, I felt that the quality of the paper has improved. I was particularly distressed, though, when I read the poem, ‘‘Platonic Relationship.’’ I thought it was in very poor taste. Several students have expressed to me similar feelings. I can’t speak for the entire student body, but this is not what I wish to read in a newspaper that I am paying for. Another suggestion that may further improve our pa paper is the deletion of swear words. I feel that they detract from the quality of the paper and there are other words that have a greater effect without offending anybody. Looking forward to the next issue. jack Crich Student Representative D.C. Student Society Censorship of poetry ?? I appreciate that you recog- nize that you cannot speak for the entire student body. All too often prople who lean towards cencorship do not realize that. Taste is an area that varies greatly from person along with intellect. I could argue that ‘Platonic Relationship’ is in excellent taste because it deals with an area that is particularly at the fore during a person’s teens and twenties, in fact often for much more of a person’s life. That area is the question of the apprp- riate place of sexual relations in the rest of a person’s life and how it integrates with other areas of human relations. The ‘What do we do now?’ phenomenon is one that many have experienced and many more will experience. If you have resolved for yourself the appropriate place of sexual expression in your life I applaud you. If, however, you find it an uncomfortable area to approach I question your apparent suggestion of — censorship to cover your difficulties. Jody Editor, Otherthan Poetry Review. ey