For the Week of March 9 to March 15, 1986 cont. Communication Skills for Women cont, basic communication skills. iis 1986 and 8, 1986 Two consecutive sessions Dates: | Tuesday, March 1 Tuesday, March 1 Sessions: Time: 1200 - 1400 hours Room: 2219 Leader: Beth Morris, Counsellor Please pre-register with the Student Services receptionist Room 2760 or call 520-5486. This. workshop is offered in conjunction with the Ogres: College Counselling Discipline. §S§Sssg The Douglas College Theatre Department presents The Would-Be Gentleman (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme) A comedy, by Moliere March 14, 15, 17-22 inclusive 2000 hours Sunday matinee Sunday March 16th 1400 hours General Admission: $6.00, Students/Seniors: $5.00 Douglas College Performance Theatre : Call 520-5488 for ticket reservations & information Visa and Mastercharge accepted §§8SS Academic Dean Montreal’s Dawson College is seeking a qualified administrator to fill the position of — Academic Dean (Academic Vice-President). The incumbent's responsibilities include setting academic policy, management of academic affairs, and liaison with the pro- vincial, national. and international educa- tional communities. Dawson College is Quebec's largest ‘CEGEP. It offers 35 professional and pre- university programs ‘to 7,500 d ay and 3,000 continuing education students. The College's four major campuses in downtown Montreal serve a multi-ethnic student population that. reflects the ‘cosmopolit character of the. city. The successful candidate will hold a graduate degree and be fluent in English and French. Teaching experience (prefer- ably at the post secondary level), -exten- sive administrative experience in a large organization, and human relations skills é n institution with a tradi- f colle. lity are essential. Strong sadership, A of purpose and high energy are definite personal assets for this. position. The term is for five years and is renewable. Salary and fringe benefits appropriate to a top level management position ‘ina large educational institution will be offered, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Resumés should be sent in confidence, before March 3, 1986, to: Dr. Robert Lavery Director General Selection Committee for the Academic Dean 485 McGill Street Mo ) treal, Quebec H2Y (2H4