These Handouts on time management are available ' for the asking: "Time-Spaced Theory of Learning," "Take It Easy to Learn Better." ยป.-sandra Carpenter Sherry Ladbrook Ian McCaughey A GREAT LEARNING EXPERIENCE You are invited to join us aS qa Guest of the Boeing Cor : 3 Oration for a one-day tour of their Renton and Everett Plants. tP See the great jets being assembled from start to finish. See the skills of management, planning, production, supervision, electronics and marketing demonstrated by one of the world's truly great corporations. ONE DAY- November 19, 1980 By Maverick Coach Lines leaving Vancouver 7:00 A.M. and arriving back in Vancouver 8:45 P.M. FULL DAY ( All included - meals, transportation, tours, etc. - per student $45.00 ) If you wish you can invite your business or personal friends for the same price. Please make your cheque payable to Vancouver Community College-deadline, October 31, 1980. Should there be less than one coach load (49 persons), your cheque will be returned to you in the event of cancellation. Please present your cheque to the Administration desk at the Centre you are studying. REMINDER - All interested students are requested to take with them Canadian identification to comply with Customs Regulation at the border. One of Vancouver's leading travel agents will be hosting the visit. Join your friends for an unforgettable day. TOWARDS 2001 A.E.G.T.C.C.B.C. presents Gifted Education Towards 2001. Keynote speaker will Barbara Clark, author of Growing Up Gifted. Workshops will include: Futuristics, Engine-Unity, Computers in Gifted Ed., Art and Language Arts for the Gifted, Structure of Intellect and Diagnosis of Learning and Counselling the Gifted. The conference will be held January 23-24,1981. For further information call 522-1631 or 522-0644. Cost will be $50.