THE DIALECTICS OF DIS ILLUSIONMENT eae, IBRARY byt geuceh? copies - vim Sellers The one principle that meant most to me at Douglas College has been undermined. _ Because I have never been a member of the faculty association I can only speculate “as to why the association would be party to such an arrangement. It is to be hoped they didn't initiate it, more likely they had to accept it as part of a compromise, but failed to foresee the implications. Regardless, the damage has been done and we are thrown into fundamental contradiction. It is incredible to me that most faculty - association members would want the "bosses" (Chairmen/Directors, Deans) in “the union"; but it is unconscionable that they would be willing or unwitting partners in a move that so jeopardizes our principle of only negative evaluation. Let me suggest that the administration is remiss if it does not enforce a policy of continued positive faculty evaluation for all faculty. Why? Failure to do so means we are in fundamental contradiction. Consider: if we have a viable mechanism for evaluating faculty performance on an extended basis, then what possible logical or operational justification can there be for not applying it to all faculty all the time? Surely the students are entitled to the benefits and protection it affords. Apparently we have such a mechanism because it is now part of the college's facilty contract structure. Let me draw your attention to the "memorandum of agreement" I received from the faculty association in June, specifically “ARTICLE X11", "PROBATIONARY PERIOD", subsections 1, 2 and 3: ]. Faculty are employed for a probationary period of two years prior to the offering of the first three-year contract. 2. The offering of the first three-year contract requires the recommendation of the faculty member's supervisor and the concurrence of the Dean and Principal. 3. Evaluation during the probationary term: By May Ist following an appointment effective between May lst and October lst or by the date specified in the letter of appointment for persons employed at other times, the supervisor wil] give a report to the faculty member in writing. Should there be inadequacies in performance, needs or concerns, these will be enumerated and positive suggestions made for each. A second report will be made by December 31st next following and if remediation has not been effected or if it appears that a recommendation for a three-year contract may not be made, then the supervisor will by March Ist notify the Dean who may recommend to the Principal that a) a contract for a further probationary year be offered, 6) a three-year contract be offered, c) no other contract be offered. Understandably enough, the anguishes and unpleasantries of invoking our principle of negative evaluation have tested our convictions. But as one directly, and painfully, involved in acting on the principle I have not lost faith in the pact we made to operate on the basis of trust in, and respect for, our colleague's capabilities.