Release: January 17, 1974 From: Irnest i. Livesey ° The following is a prepared statement for release to the news media by officials of the College Faculties’ Federation of DD tos Representatives of tlie Collese Faculties' Federation: (C.F.F.) of B.C. met on January 16, with Tducation ‘finister Zileen Dailly and Deputy Min- isters, as well as Labour ‘Minister Willian iiing, to discuss the sovernment's recently released policy paper on manpower planning and trainins dated December 13, 1973. Ovservers froi the Society of Vocational Instructors of L.C., an? from the Vocational Instructors’ Association of Yancouver City Collese (V.V.I.), were also present hee the meeting. The C.F.F. represents the Faculty Associations of eight B.C. comiu- nity colleces. The object of the neeting yas to coups specific clarification and interpretation of the wording of the governacnt's policy paper. The C.F.F. endorses the government's plan to develep a co-operative ap- proach to manpower planning and training, in which the Departnent of Labour researches specific manpower needs and works jointly with the Department of Education to plan necessary training procrans. ‘tiowever, C.F.F. officials were anxious to learn to what extent the policy (as outljned in the document _over the signatures of the ‘Ministers of Cducation and Labour) might result in the Department of Labour beconing involved in curricalua plenniug and faculty hirins. They were further concerned with the pessible erosion of local Achanenis of the Regional Co:munity Collece. Joth the Labour Minister and the Cducation !finister gave strong assur- ances that there would be no interference by the Labour Department in those SUb Mel oy Deu Si Largill CFP Directly 20 : 9