LETTITOR. This is hard Uc RS I'D Bee I started my tenure as Editor in Chief at The Other Press, I’d read this page, the “Lettitor,” and think to myself “it must be nice to get to write whatever you want on your very own page each week.” When my predecessor, former EIC Cody Klyne, told me how he’d struggle to come up with something enlightening to say each issue, I empathized... but secretly I knew that for me it would be easy. Boy, was I an arrogant, stupid asshole. The thing is, as much as I love editing this paper, it really is a lot harder than it looks to try to entertain you all. When I sit down to write this little weekly shout-out to the readers, I alternate between being terrified that people won't read it—and worrying that people will read it. So far, I’ve erred on the side of “fuck it”—revealing probably way too personal information about myself. But, alas, as my therapist keeps telling me, lettitors are not a replacement for therapy. So, please help me out. If no one rescues me from my writer’s block misery soon, here is a sampling of the bad lettitor topics I have lined up: ¢ Why I don’t like rain e The pros and cons of Beyoncé ¢ Foods I like to eat ¢ Twitter e A diatribe of the cult of Ryan Gosling If there’s something you want to hear about, let me know. You can reach me at editor@theotherpress.ca, or just stop by room 1020 of the New Westminster campus on Monday nights. Hope to hear from you soon!