March 14, 1986 [Douglas College News Service] The Douglas College Royals reign supreme in British Columbia’s Totem Conference Athletic Association, fol- lowing the provincial college champ- ionships this past weekend. The Royals, previously an underdog in collegiate athletics, wrapped up four gold medals and two silvers, dominating in virtually every sport played in the Totem Conference. At the top of the ranking .are the women’s basketball team, men’s volleyball, men’s basketball and the womens’ single badminton player. The Royal women’s basketball team completed the 1986 season totally undefeated in both league and playoff games. The team clinched a spot at the upcoming Canadian College Athletic Association (CCAA) finals without the help of their top player Mirjana Jurcic. The women Royals are ranked fifth in the country heading into the national championships, and coach Richard Norman is expecting great things from his team. “We're all healthy and that’s a big difference for us,’’ Norman said. “Most recently, Kim Phipps has put on a red hot shooting hand and collected her career high of 36 points versus Cap College in a game where she neither started nor finished.’’ Phipps also managed to score 18 points in just 16 minutes of play in a recent game against Trinity Western University. Other leading players include Becky Watson of New Westminster as the top rebounder, and Charlene Jefferson ‘‘an _all- around strong player.’ The Royals women’s _ basketball team has averaged 80 points per game versus their opponents’ average of 52 points. In men’s volleyball, the Douglas Royals are also ranked fifth nationally heading into the Canadian champion- ships. At the B.C. playoffs, the team collected the tournaments . MVP award for second year player Paul Funk and an All-Star selection for rookie Blake Bevan. Another totem Conferenced gold medal winner, and fifth ranked nationally team, is the men’s DASK eT) A ON 1ad PC) ff) Od fT) CVE Beauchamp. The Royals defeated Fraser Valley College for the provincial championship, and had Brent Henderson chosen as the MVP, Andrew Conway designated an All- Star, and Randy Stevens granted an honourable mention. The fourth Douglas College gold medal was claimed by women’s single’ badminton player Lisa Joe. Her number one finish combined with four bronze medals for the Royals gave the team an overall third place finish in the combined team event. One slight disappointment came from the Royals hockey team, who were the only team to defeat Cariboo College during the regular season, but unable to match the effort during the playoffs. The hockey team will still play at the national championships, thanks to the hosting of the final tournament by the Totem Conference, whose mem- bers are eligible to send two teams into each competition. The Royals will face off against the number one ranked Canadian col- legiate hockey. team, the. N.A.I.T. Ooptiks, on March 20° in the Kamloops Civic Arena. The final competitor for the Royals at the CCAA championships will be the strong curling team, who also captured a_ silver medal in the provincial competitions. In total, the Royals put on their best show yet in the national stage of college athletics, matching their ten years of previous efforts of reaching ra for the number one spot in any competition. Betty Lou Hayes, athletic co- ordinator at Douglas College, gives credit for her teams’ victories to the hard work. of the players, the determination of everyone involved and ‘‘the best coaching squad in the province.’ iF “It’s an unprecedented realization of a dream for the Royals,’’ she said. “It’s nice to win even one spot at the nationals, but six, it’s just great.’’ “Let’s hope Douglas College can continue with a long tradition of fine athletics, and prov for once and for all that Canadian college athletics are exciting and entertaining.’’ The CCAA championships will be held at a variety of B.C. campuses between March 20 and 23. STUDENTS Annual General Meetin? Thursday, March 27th Room 2201 at 12 noon AGENDA 1. Approve Agenda Introductions Voting Procedures 10, Approve Minutes 11. 5. Impeachment 12. 6. Reports 7. Audit 3. P.S. Bring Your Lunch And We'll Provide The Coffee 8. Appoint Auditors 9. Constitutional Ammendments Athletic Levy Canada Games Pool Other a. b. Closing Comments