ea ‘may be. page five cont. from page 4 allow the light to shine through. The holes have the strong threads left intact and Helen’s written com- ments are the bright: new threads that I can use to reweave my efforts. I am learning to recognize my own faults and_ shortco- mings and to overcome them, ingrained as_ they The important thing to me is, Iam learning what I want and need to know - clear, concise com- ' munication. My own opinion of man- datory age 65 retirement policy is that, like ‘the human sex act, when one anticipates and participates by free choice, it is an experience that has deep personal meaning. How- ever, to be forced into age alone is rage - a violation of the person. Our Provincial and Fe- deral Governments are cur- rently reviewing their policy of mandatory age 65 retire- ment. It is timely for Douglas College and _ its Faculty Association to re- view existing policy regard- ing 65 mandatory retire- ment too! Let’s not conti- nue this discriminating practise! by Ruth Lund A prayer Dear Editor: The Test Prayer appeared ““Cook in a book entitled retirement for reasons of The Other Press Book for College Kids (No Prerequisites!), written and published by Sheila McDougall, and printed by Centax of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. TEST PRAYER Now I lay me down to study, I pray the lord I won’t go nutty, If I should fail to learn this junk, I pray the lord I will not flunk, But if I do, don’t pity me at all, Just - lay my bones down in ths study hall. Tell my teacher I did my best, Then pile my books upon my chest, Now I lay me down ‘to rest, And pray I'll pass tomorrow’s test. If I should die before I wake, That’s one less test I'll have to take. Sufferin Student Numero uno in Mexico and in Canada. REG SS A 4237 -D 700 mi AUTENTICAS TEQUILA ELABORADO Y ENVASADO POR TEQUILA SAUZA, 8. A HECHO EN MEXICO MARCA REGISTRADA REG FED. CAUSANTES TSA 671208 NOM -102-1 ARUARDPIENTE DE AGAVE AUTENTICAS THE BOTTLED ROMANCE OF MEXICO Other Do you think stores should stay open on Sundays ? Jane Akizuki: I feel they should be allowed to stay open because some people can’t get out to shop during the week. It would also benefit students who work weekends. Karen Kristjanson: I don’t think stores should be al- lowed to open on Sundays because it would hurt the smaller businesses. Rob Thwaites: Only certain stores should be allowed to open on Sundays. Tourist traps like Gastown should be allowed to stay open. Big retail stores shouldn’t be allowed to open. Kris Stone: I think it should be left up to individual store. Stores that do open should only be allowed to stay open for a_ certain amount of time. Shoppers shouldn't be able to shop all day. . this newpaper. requirements. This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for the purpose of correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of All letters and opinions must be types at a 60-stroke — line, double-spaced and must bear the name of the | author for reasons of validity. Submissions which are not | signed will not be published. Letters should be no more | than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should be | either 450 or 900 words in length due to space and layout _ We reserve the right to edit all letters and opinions f clarity and libel. Letters and opinions longer th: specified will be edited to size. 2 sts Deadline for submissions is 4_