a ae ES THANK YOU I would like to thank Warren Nygaard, Marilyn Kristian, Alena Strauss, Betty-Lou Hayes, David Mills and Rob Corbett, members of the Drug and Al- cohol Awareness Planning Committee, for their efforts in making this program a GREAT SUCCESS. The week’s activities would not have been possible without the significant contribution of Marie- Louise Turnbull and Karen Munk, employees of Maple Cot- tage. They participated in the planning process and volun- teered their time to staff the display in the Concourse for 5 hours each day. We could not have run the program without their help. A special thank you to Deanna, the poster person, who made her guest appearance on the con- course on November 19th, and to "Gus" of Field’s Welding and In- dustrial Supplies for kindly donating the helium for the bal- loons. Gerry DellaMattia EXHIBIT Drousias College Library will be displaying the National Library of Canada’s exhibit “Portraits of Canadian Writers by Three Photographers” from November 23rd to January 8th, 1988. The photographers are: Ar- naud Maggs, Paul Orestein and John Reeves, and the following list gives an example of authors included in the display: Earle Bir- ney, Morley Callaghan, Northrop Frye, Margaret Laurence, Joy Kogawa, Robertson Davies, Mar- garet Atwood. CONTINUED It is hoped that the College com- munity will take advantage of the opportunity to view this interest- ing exhibit. MUSIC IN THE MORNING SERIES eo Music in the Morning Con- cert Series currently having its inaugural season at Douglas Col- lege, featured the Piano Duo of Anagnoson & Kinton on Thursday, November 19th. It was felt to be one of the really great concerts we've had to date at Douglas. For those who were un- able to attend, we'd like to tell you that it was taped by the CBC and will be heard on CBC stereo "Arts National" on December 10, 1987 at 8:00 p.m. *The pianists were joined by Percussionists Sal Ferraras and Graham Boyle for the Bartok. Kevin Barrington-Foote, Arts and Humanities Lillian Zimmerman, Com- munity Programs and Services ATHLETICS BASKETBALL 2s SSL qe women’s team coached by Jan Torrey and Bill Matthews defeated UBC JV’s 60-35 Friday, November 20th at Douglas Col- lege. Lorraine Marken and Claudia Zamprogna had 18 points each with Brenda Cope hit- ting for 12. The Outlaws (our resident club team) also defeated UBC JV’s 75- 64 the same night. High scorers were Glen Cote with 20 points and Rich Messiah with 13. On Saturday night (November 22) the Outlaws downed Trinity Western University Spartans 85- 84 at T.W.U. Mark Osachoht sunk the final hoop as the buzzer went to edge T.W.U. by 1. Glen Cote had 18 points and Chris Schriek scored 14. Trinity is reputed to have one of the best teams in the college league this year so make it a point to attend the return game here February 19, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. HOCKEY TS Terry Kirstein-coached Royals hockey team split with the Kamloops Chiefs this past week-end winning Saturday night 8-6 and losing Sunday morning by a whopping 10-3. Saturdays’ game (though penal- ty filled) saw lots of scoring from our team as Captain Kevin Wahl scored 2 goals, Shane Pomeroy 2 goals, Al Cummings 2 goals and Shawn Hokanson and Norm Mc- Callan with 1 each. Sunday’s game saw goals from Bert Neiber- gall, Shane Pomeroy and Don Woodley. Obviously the only players who got a good nights sleep! VOLLEYBALL fae women’s team coached by Dave Dalcanale played at Trinity Western on Saturday and came away 1 and 2. They defeated Capilano only to lose to Trinity Western and Selkirk. Bet- ter luck next time, girls. The men’s volleyball team coached by Doug Jessom played in a BCCAA tournament hosted by Douglas College on Saturday, November 22 and also ended up losing 2 and winning 1. The vic- tory was over Trinity Western with defeats from Selkirk and Malaspina (A Doug Jessom- coached team last year.) By next season, Doug should have our volleyball program in top form as should the women with Dave Dalcanale coaching two separate teams at the high-school level.