DOUGLAS COLLEGE Tm] FROM: RE: All Students, Staff and Faculty, Winslow Site es Andrew Wilson, Registrar Registrar's Office Functions TUITION FEE PAYMENT Beginning October 21, 1981, a member of the staff of the Registrar's Office will be at the Winslow Site-‘to register new students, issue student cards, and collect tuition fees every Wednesday during the semester from 1200 to 1930 hours. Fees may also be paid at the McBride site at other times. Fees for continuous intake programs will soon be payable on a lump sum basis (4-6 months). Details announced later. REGISTRATION Registration days will be scheduled for Wednesday whenever possible, Staff will be available for registration days that are not scheduled for a Wednesday. Registration can also be completed at the McBride site. . STUDENT CARDS Student cards will be available on Registration days oF on Wednesdays from 1200 to 1930. REGISTRAR'S OFFICE FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS Calendars, Schedules, Application for Admission form, Course change forms, G.£.D. forms and other Registrar's Office forms are available from the Counselling Receptionist. In other words the Counselling Centre Winslow will act as a post office for the Office of the Registrar - New Westminster. EVENING SERVICES An evening clerk will soon be available from 1800 to 2200 on Monday to Thursday. An administrator will also be available for back-up. REGISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES AND PROGRAMS _ Phis function will be carried out by the Counselling Receptionist except on Wednesdays when a member of the Registrar's Office will be at the Winslow site. Registrations may also be completed at the New Westminster site. Assistance will be provided by the Registrar's Office as requested. FINANCIAL AID The Financial Aid Officer will be at the Winslow site on Wednesdays. Applicants to Adult Basic Education, Office : Administration and other continuous intake programs who require financial assistance to pay tuition fees should arrange to see the Pinancial Adi Officer at least one month before their classes are dua to start. Appointments can alsa be made at the New Westminster site. SUMMARY The change in staffing to Wednesdays will improve the economy and efficiency of the operation of the Ragistrar's office. Service to students, staff and faculty should remain the same as at present with the exception of fee collection. By means of financial assistance together with the plaaned collection of fees in a lump sum, the feduction in service for fee collection should be of minimal inconveniance. Please refer any concerns and further detailed enquiries to the Registrar's office 521-6633 of the the Registrar 521-4851 Local 318. Thank you for your cooperation.