ee ee ee ee a ee ee sembly being held on either or both topics, please signif your inter- est to myself, or Barbara Bessey, (local 4914). Bill Day Congratulations Rita! Rita Chudnovsk Ro oumuns ty Program- er), has _just been granted her Master of Education degree from S.F.U. Congratulations deserve it! Secondary School Graduation Requirements The Association of B.C. School Superintendents has prepared "A Statement of Concern for Public Ed- ucation in British Columbia." { recommend it to you. A eepy may Le be signed out through the of es of the Deans, Bursar, or myself. Bill Day Director of Nursing During my absence this semester from ay 28 to August 1, Fran Johnson will be the coun Director of the Nursing Departmen Mary Fewster. Calculators During the summer we will be calling service peer’ to repair calculators (other than those in the Business Lab). If you have a calculator in your area_that requires re air plgase call us so that we can co- rdinate the Foue ets and hopefully be able to complete repairs with one telephone call. Thank you for your attention and re- sponse to this request. Purchasing Dept. Mad Hatter Page 4 Student Social Tt has finally arrived. We know that oe have been planning your annual vacation around the "Event" of the year. Yes, ladies and gen- | tlemen, boys and girls, it _ is time for the Student Society's Annual Barbecue Social. DATE: June 28, 1984 TIME: 1700 - 2300 hours PLACE: Reflecting Pond, sabes: College We invite all interested College. students, staff, faculty and Admin- istrators to attend as our guests. | ‘We will be DOT the "Event" for s the French studen currently at- tending Douglas College for an Eng- lish Immersion course. Please feel free to bring a guest and also be sure to wear your play clothes. Advance tickets are a must this year. Just send the Student Socie ¥ a memo, and we will zip them off to you. Merrilyn Houlihan Kwantlen Farewell Party | Ken Moore and Graydon Roberts are both retiring from Kwantlen College this summer and a_ farewell get to- gone is being planned for them at he Newton Campus on Friday, June 22, 1984. | If you would like to attend, please call David Williams at_the Newton campus, 591-1111, local 243, as soon as possible. RESERVE MATERIAL...ATT: FACULTY! Faculty wishing to put material on © reserve in the Library for the fall '84 semester should do so by August 10, 1984. | This enables staff to process re- serves in time for the first week of classes. Library Deadline | |