MAD HATTER PAGE 6 THRESHOLD COMMITTEE - TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. The Threshold Committee is College- wide in nature. It is part of the governance system of the College. 2. The Committee is composed of five members; the Registrar and four other members, one elected by each of the four Divisions of the Coll- ege. The Committee is chaired by the Registrar. Elected membership is for a term of one year, renew able. 3. The Committee functions in an ad- visory capacity to Departments. It assists departments to establish and maintain threshold requirements in line with the philosophy of Douglas College. It will normally draw on the advice of subject spec— ialists in particular areas. It will review and advise departments on threshold criteria. 4, Program proposals containing thresh- old requirements or requests for changes in existing threshold re- quirements must be accompanied by advice of the Threshold Committee when they are submitted to Division- al Curriculum and Planning Committees for approval. 5. The Registrar is responsible for ad- vising the Dean of Education and Student Services when the advice of the Threshold Committee has not been followed. The Dean, in turn, is re- sponsible for notifying the College Management Committee. "Recommended to College President by Management Committee--Jan. 26. Approv- ed by Bill Day--Feb. 4/82." ae aS i 8 SE ie ee eerie omen NOE Re ere COLLEGE COLLOQUIUM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Four-Room Complex, McBride 1400 hours TOPIC: THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATION Short Papers On: The Democratization of Higher Learning Colleges and Women Autonomy of the College Basic Education Panel and Discussion. - Everyone, including the public is invited. We hope to raise some of the issues re- lating to college education in the present political and economic clim- ate. _——