Monday, October 28, 1974 Volume 149 LONG RANGE WEATHER FORECAST FOR THE WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1974 The record breaking fine, Indian Summer weather is showing signs of slowly breaking down as the Pacific Storm track once again begins to move onto the south coast. This transition will be gradual, however, with sunny weather at the beginning of the week and a slow deterioration towards the end. Nobody can quite remember such an extended period of warmth and sunshine. Records show that the last time such an event occur- red was in 1952. Even then, the spell of fine weather was of a shorter duration. September broke all existing records for measurable sunshine, and, at the same time, almost smashed the highest average tempera- ture ever recorded. So far this month, sunshine and temperature totals are running well above normal. The first forecast for the coming winter has been made by a friend of mine who claims that she has, amongst other things, E.S.P. The winter will be a hard one with much snow and bitter cold. Starting date: November 15, or thereabouts. The vibrations that she receives from trees and the animals in the forests indicate this. Blane Coulcher PLEASE NOTE: By direction of Principal's Council, material a appearing in the Mad Hatter is processed through the Ad- missions Office without ab- ridgment or editing, except for requirements of space limitations and legal con- siderations.