Other Editorials © Other Staff Box! The Other Press is a democrati- cally run, autonomous student newspaper serving Douglas College since 1976. It publishes 16 times a semester, once a week, under the auspices of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student levy paid at registration and through local and national advertising. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP) and sub- scribes toit's statement of principles. OPS Board of Directors Elec- tions: March 9th,1988 Business Manager: Rob Han- cock OP Staff Production Co-ordinator: Aeriol Alderking Production Assistants: Shaun Lemay, Mike Roth ,Dean Mac- Phearson,Bryan Gagne, Yasmin Tabob, JeffHouse,Mike Roberts,Kim Wilhelmsen, Nauer, and Matt Fisher. News Coordinator: vacant — Editorial Coordinator: Matt Fisher Entertainment Coordinator: Mike Roth Cup Coordinator : Jeff McKeil Human Rights Coordinator: Mike Roberts Classifieds Coordinator: Kim Wil- ‘helmsen Sports Coordinator: vacant A special thanks to Minitronics of 1440 Kingsway for their friendly ser- vice and donating their time to fix our computer. Thankyou ,also to Bill Bell for taking time out on Sunday to train more of us on this system. We hope you notice a difference! Native Understanding Dear Editor, I am a Tlingit Indian from the Yukon attending Douglas College in the U.T. program. I was quite pleased to see a whole page in the February 10 The Other Press for Native issues. Matt Fisher’s “Indian's fight for Legal Rights” was well written and com- prehensive. The key to building a positive image of Natives is the un- derstanding by the public of the is- sues and the background. In fact, there is in existence an “Ad Hoc Committee for Better Race Rela- tions” whose focus is to project a positive image for Canada’s aboriginal people. On a personal note, I and many other native students have become involved in a concerted effort to bring together natives from all Lower Mainland campuses. I believe we have a measure of suc- cess. We have organized various social, educational and political events. We are affiliated with the UBC Native Indian Student Union and have contacts with students from Langara, Capilano, King Ed. campus, BCIT, Native Ed. Centre and- Vancouver Community Col- lege. I am essentially the contact at Douglas College. However, motivating the small number of na- tive students here is a little frustrat- ing. This Native Student Network is a positive experience. It is a support system for students emphasizing so- cial outlets. resolution of personal or educational problems and extending intellectual. pursuits. A recent political event which was rewarding was a rally held January 22, 1988 in Robson Square, to protest Federal cutbacks to post- secondary education funding. The premise of the government action was to limit the number of qualified students who received aid. Some of the facts we uncovered were that in the fall of 87/88, 37% of qualified native students were denied funding as a result of these proposed guidelines. Less than 2% of native secondary students go on to com- plete post-secondary education. In terms of real numbers, at UBC whose enrollment is at 54,000, there are approximately 150 natives. This number is inadequate when you con- sider that the educated ones will be the leaders someday. As a direct result of the rally and petition to Ron Penner, Director of Education at D.I.A. , we have a commitment that the guideline proposal was withdrawn, and in the future stu- dents will be invited for consult- Born Again Reincarnation is the rebirth of the ‘soul in another body. and in the per- {formance of past life regression. one’s mind is taken back, through hypnosis, into previous lives that one may have lived. Recently, I attended a one day seminar on past life regression. The course included group regression ses- ‘sions, post regression analysis and an ‘in-depth demonstration of a past life regression. Witnessing the regression of various participants into their past lives was a fascinating experience, as Hthey vividly described their sur- roundings and experiences that they: claimed to have encountered years, ‘and sometimes centuries ago. The first thought that may immediately come to mind is, "there is no such thing as reincarnation, and past life regression is an impossibility! It is merely a product of the mind!" | However, it has been proven that through examining a person’s sub- conscious patterns and repressed rmemories which influence everyday behaviors, attitudes and emotion, one can re-experience past events, release suppressed emotions and gain con- ‘scious knowledge and insight. ' During the single day session, one woman related under hypnosis that she had lived during the Roman period. She distinctly described her surroundings, homelife and a war that occurred at one point in her past life. She recounted the bloody war that had taken place in the town square in which she had lived. She also vividly described her. fright as she had stood on a street corner and watched hundreds of men on horseback fight while the: frightened spectators scrambled.t Filled with emotion, wander. Then... who knows what life you will end up in...? Decide for yourself, is reincarnation a pos- sibility? For further information on this subject, or if you are interested in past life regressions, explaining fears and phobias, please contact the Holistic Therapy Center, 926-0074. by Lisa Rainbird she relieved the tragic experience of being struck and.killed by a horse during that battle. This is highly sig- nificant when explaining the woman's present-day phobia of hor- ses. Another woman claimed to have lived in Vancouver during the early 1900's, and she also could distinctly describe her surroundings. But, can this be believed? ; Another question that may arise is that if the population is indeed grow- ing, how is it possible for everyone to have had past lives? "Spilt souls"may be one answer, or as many hypnotists have testified, some people claim to have arrived from other planets. How can this be possible? If this subject has grabbed your curiosity in any way, then one eve- ning sit in a dark room in front of a mirror and place a candle on the left side of your shoulder, half way be- tween you and the mirror. Stare at the mirror until your mind begins to Join. The Other PREss ation. In closing. I am encouraging na- live students in Douglas to shake off apathy and become involved with Native Student Network. We invite anyone who is interested! Sincerely, Sharon Shony U.T. Program f) ILL BUY ALL THE URANIUM