TMU Welcome back everyone! I just love this time of vear, don’t you? There’s something about that back-to-school feeling that always puts a little extra bounce in my step. I'll bet when I’m in my 70s I'll still feel the urge to buy loose-leaf, Pink Pearl erasers, and new loafers every September. While we're all still basking in the glow of the fresh new school year, why not take the opportunity to get involved with some fabulous Douglas College traditions— like say, writing for The Other Press, for example. We’ve got a swell new team of eager beavers on board, and we’re always looking for new people to abuse, er...1 mean, work Nata ee There’s nothing cooler than being an Other Press con tributor. No, really. If you want that cute intellectual babe from your Anthropology class to notice you, try writing a scathing exposé on local politics for the OP. That'll get her revved up, guaranteed. And if you’re in need of an outlet for that experimental Peruvian beat poetry you’ve been dabbling in—bring it on, we'll print it with a smile. A con fused smile, but a smile nonetheless. This issue we welcome our new Features Editor, Melissa Beedle, into the fold, and shiny new layout guy, Simon Hatton, has wandered in to the office as well. See, everybody’s doing it—what’s your problem? You think you're too good for us or something? Sheesh, if you’re gonna be like that, maybe we’re better off without you. Ah shucks, I can’t stay mad at you, I take it back. Please come BYere| edEN ahaa) us; you only get one C hance comes ice cO)u your college paper after all. Unless of course you're like me and you keep re-enrolling in courses you don’t need to woid facing the real world } 7 ae ; Seth \t this rate, | could actually be writing for The Other Press for decades to . In which case, maybe it i b | | 1 wouldn't be so pathetic for me to still crave school sup 1 } pues in M\ cvolden VCars. t \manda Aikman © CFS Not Standing for Deceptive New Seats .............. cece cccesssssssssseseeeeeseeseeseeeeeeeeens \ © International Students One Step Closer to Power ..................0ccccceeccceeeecceseeeeeueneeees h Uwe iis eshte fad Delis oss docs. civchcudn tee ieee 5 © News to Peruse, Amuse, and Confuse ....................ccssecccocssaccesseccenscccnsescenacses 6 We ar Cm NES sian ins cs cs ahincoiccesvcsssansDPbccl luageie Caren ya ] ee. ee 8 OTe ay aps Sam NG ini co inic vine ores eae an Eh watecacdtices) 8 “Hah wilh is Opps Oa. 6. nish i cd i ee 9 irae eel Wee Me = eS Le a ce eat 10 The Gift that Continues to Keep on Giving ...............ccceeeeececeeeseessersessrsseveeeuenseeees 10 Poon rv Oe Cond Ol Bags eR ea Il Te SE esis oi hc clnn ben eee a ae Il PIG oo 5 cites esas Sacenasn A R Il a 5 PSE ocho es eine B I ie IN iodo caren sp eivadas sovinn cig tedveni eh oiosientneadisecds Th PON NONE SU, TRUE RIN isn enticed i des evvers eeidaroebivaeces nein 16 PAPUAN oS sels ia cra cvneedich Ses nosutadtensdpninachecstactevem seach plvesecne) 6 Teachers Around the World Using the Virtures Project ................cccceeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenenens 20 MUS a A Va LUI a a oe ee a fa EE IN eBid Sins auheiaccsadderneenseoaieha tetas ra SUI ET 5 55 ccc aes cas onta ecac scab cahea sn cline Mein cesta ts apidtagloakced ra} PURI Dan POR RAINE ick os rk as Sie he aaa a6 Cee CN NR sooo cia GR a él GUOSSIFIOUS i cccccccccccccsesesseses ee ie a g OUNEPPPBSS | 3