A Douglas College Newslette ok The DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES a & er : Sea SR IP ea PE SIFT NY AOE A SDT ES 0 aR ESSE NT i a 2 March 18, 1986 | PO YA L Se R'E aa The Douglas College Royals reign supreme in British Columbia's Totem Conference Athletic Association, following the provincial college championships this past weekend. The Royals, previously an underdog in collegiate athletics, wrapped up four gold medals and two silvers, dominating in virtually every sport played in the Totem Conference. At the top of the rankings are the women's basketball team, men's volleyball, men's basketball and the women's single badminton player. The Royal women's basketball team completed the 1986 season totally undefeated in both league and playoff games. The team clinched a spot at the upcoming Canadian College Athletic Association (CCAA) finals without the help of their top player Mirijana Jurcic. The women Royals are ranked fifth in the country heading into the naitonal championships, and coach Richard Norman is expecting great things from his team. "We're all healthy and that's a big difference for us," Norman says. "Most recently, Kim Phipps has put on a red hot shooting hand and collected her career high of 36 points versus Cap College in a game where she neither started or finished." Phipps also managed to score 18 points in just 16 minutes of play in a recent game against Trinity Western University. Other leading players include Becky Watson of New Westminster as the top rebounder, and Charlene Jefferson "an all-around strong player". The Royals women's basketball team has averaged 80 points per game versus their opponents' average of 52 points. More on page 2... oe In the Hat: INQUICEG vas vetaver chat cbiabrnateetnnenanngnedancoontnenTereat 3 Athletic EVENS Sosess.cceescueseeyucorscssvaenanensen 8 ATE ON DISPIAY co cccocserensevecesccssevesscseessvecsesvs 5 Audio Visual Acquisitions ..........ccccscsceceeeees 9 UpPearning EVENS secescccssccosncussengcoccanssevuasess 6 Career Opportunities ...c.cckerescersaeveceneeeeueess 10 BSW TP OGAIG) «i coknse see vervevnecetseveseseavihoivsesenaece 7 INNOVAtION. ADSCTAGCES 2. ..0.v.0.0e