Mad Hatter Page 13 Le . LAS COLLEGE A STATEMENT OF ROLES & FUNCTIONS OF COUNSELLORS ARCHIVES IN THE COLLEGES & INSTITUTES OF BRITISH COLUMB A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Heather Hyde, Pacific Vocational Institute David Jones, Capilano College Elizabeth Morris, Douglas College Richard Speed, Vancouver Community College INTRODUCTION The role of counselling in colleges and institutes: is one of being a specialized elucator who promotes the development and growth of individuals so that. they may reach their cureer, educational vane personal goals. Caunsellors may provide professional services to the following iimlivieuats or groups: Students (prospective, currently enrolled, former), faculty, stalf, administrators, and members of the community-at-large. A three dimensivnal model serves well gor organizing and classifying counsellor coles ani functions. This model provides for lLy-elight cel is within which specific roles and functions can be identified (Figure 1). Emphasis and priorities vary across the great range Of counselling services available in cel léspes aud Last | tated. A twee dimensional chart may be used by institutions to complete the model accurding to its unique situation. DIMENSIONS OF COUNSELLOR ROLES AND PUNCTIONS Counsellor roles and functions can he described agcording two the: I. focus of counselling interventions Il. methods (strategies) of counselling interventions Ill. types of counselling interventions I. Focus.of Counselling Interventions Counselling interventions foeus on helping persons to make decisions with reyard to three possible spheres of their lives: a) Career/Lifestyle Planning b) Education/Training Alternatives ¢) Personal/Social Development There is considerable overlap between these three spheres. a) Career/Lifestyle Planning - Counselling for this sphere of a person's Life requires counsellors