MAD HATTER PAGE 3 GOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES EDUCATIONAL LEAVE PROPOSAL: - Eugene Hrushowy THANK YOU COLLEGE COMMUNITY | would like to take this opportunity to publically express my appreciation to the College Community as a whole in making it possible for me to receive the truly expansive gift of an educa- tional leave. My development, both personally and professionally, over the last seven years, has been affected substantially by my involvement with many, many, fine people. Thank you! My educational leave will take me to U.B.C. in September where | will study curriculum development and program de- sign with a focus on the Adult Learner. In returning to learning |! intend to find answers to some key questions re- lated to curriculum directions within the Social Services Department, the College as a whole, and in the programs where | am most intimately involved. | expect that as | search for answers | will find new and more meaningful ques- tions which will require answering. Such is growth within education. Apart from this more esoteric view | will balance my pursuits with the know- ledge of the pragmatics of being an educator tied to career specific comm- unity based needs for education in the work place. In studying curriculum | hope to glean the resources necessary to assist my department in determining the feasibility of offering a core (generic) level of training in the Social Services and if feasible then to determine the optimum alternative for implementing such a program. Training in the area of Social Services presents a complex of felt and expressed needs tied very tightly to the workplace. Learners come to us with multivarient needs. Some wish to enter the Social Services as a practitioner; some wish to enhance their expertise in a special- ty area; some wish to change specialty areas. Learners range in age from high school graduates to people in their late fifties. All of them experience unique personal circumstances. By and large what they have in common is that educa- tion is not the only day to day concern in their lives. As such, my chosen frame work for study is the Adult Learner as this learner comes with fairly spec- ific intentions for their education. Education is a means to an end. Within this Adult Education framework | will focus on curriculum development and program design. In studying curr- iculum | hope to develop a conceptual understanding of broadbase intentions for education and to translate this into a useful operational definition for all faculty. | also hope to determine a con- ceptual framework for how learning out- comes extrapolate curriculum. In general terms | intend to study how the whole (curriculum) interacts with the parts (learning outcomes) to create the whole. Curriculum is an educational construct which allows educators to translate ‘logic in use,' the work place, if you will, into ‘reconstructed logic,' the instructional environment. Curriculum and learning outcomes require a Vehicle through which they may be ac- tualized. This vehicle is program. Program looks at mood or tone, attitudes, integrating skills and knowledge to pro- duce a global outcome. Program looks at how the parts fit together to determine the whole. Program considers sequencing of content, timing and pacing. Program looks at techniques in presenting learn- ing tasks and methodologies in organiz- ing learners. Program is, the complex, through which curriculum is- achieved. As a result of my machinations at U.B.C. | hope to assist the College general ly