July 2004 Opinions A friend asked the other day if I ever got tired of writing about environ- mental issues. Well, to be frank I’m getting pretty tired of writing about climate change. Not because it isn’t interesting or important, but because I’m getting tired of having to defend the science against conspiracy theo- rists and ideologues. Lately, it seems the public has been burdened with yet another round of anti-global warming conspiracy tales. It's even become a federal election issue as parties debate whether or not Canada should adhere to our promise under the Kyoto Protocol to start reducing heat-trapping emissions—a promise supported by more than 80 percent of Canadians. I’m not the only one who's sick of this nonsense. Donald Kennedy, the editor-in-chief of the world’s largest science journal, recently wrote in an editorial, “We're in the middle of a large uncontrolled experiment on the only planet we have.” And he con- cluded with, “Our climate future is important and needs more attention than it’s getting.” To help gain that attention and dis- pel any lingering myths, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Board recently held a public forum on climate change. The two-day Washington, DC event included a panel of climate experts and Nobel Laureates who discussed the current state of climate science and ways to help the public understand the urgency of the situation. business-oriented Conference As expected, the panel members concluded that there is no doubt that the world’s climate is changing and that governments and consumers should take immediate steps to reduce the threat. The experts acknowledged that climate science isn't perfect, and that questions remain, but pointed out that current climate models are more likely to be too conservative rather then too gen- erous with their predictions. Harvard geochemistry professor Daniel Schrag told the panel, “We cannot wait for a catastrophe to appear before we act because by then it would be too late.” And he pointed out that “This should not be a parti- san issue.” He’s right, it shouldn't be. We're beyond that now. Instead, we should be discussing the most effec- tive and innovative ways to meet Kyoto and become a modern, effi- cient nation. Even big business is recognizing the need to act. Last week, the chair of Shell Oil told BBC news, “No one can be comfortable at the prospect of continuing to pump out the amounts of carbon dioxide that we are at pres- ent.” And Toronto Star business columnist David Crane noted last week that Lord John Browne, CEO of BP, one of the world’s largest oil companies, wrote recently in the journal Foreign Affairs that climate change is a serious issue which must be addressed and that meeting the Kyoto Protocol will not be nearly as difficult as some industry groups claim. If an oil baron like Lord Browne can acknowledge the importance of moving on this issue, and labour, medical, and religious groups all sup- port the Kyoto Protocol, as do the vast majority of Canadians and the vast majority of scientists, why would anyone even entertain the notion of dropping out of the Protocol? Canada would not only miss out on tremen- dous opportunities to become a more efficient, modern nation, but we would look regressive and backwards on the world stage. How many scientists do we need to stand up and say, “Do something!” before our leaders take this issue seri- ously? Attacks against climate science are no longer just attacks against one group of hard-working researchers, but against science itself. The evi- dence of human-induced climate change is overwhelming. At this point, it’s not only intellectually dis- honest to claim that there is no need to be taking action on climate change, it’s morally reprehensible. To take the Nature Challenge and to learn more, you can visit . OtherPress | 9