Once upon a time there = was a school paper, but = the time which this sch-* ool paper had some pret-= ty craxy stuff happen in 3_ les was not in the presen-= t, but in the past! Betwee- n 1977 and 1980 to be ex act! This school paper was = not even in the geographi-: cal location which the sch ool paper that is producin# fm ¢ this story is. It was far He @> ast, where the country waz" ==) s colonized prior to the We Fest coast. t was here where the eve= nts happened which this a rticle is based on. It was e. # urnalists would go under- = COV, best stories! © time of so-" 2eS. gee were able to travel back i- hen not a know |! NeX- WG since order to get quality artic+ & = for- and all yo- coast. sere where school paper jo-- © z a “Y, tion through a form ~ of research named e- Issue 3 Pp! Volume 47 ae 22, 2020 = * ed as it is found. Police Chief Arnold Sutton has announced that this investigation may ta- ke up to seventy months. The | one eyed student did not will- ingly comment on his current phsyical and emotional state, h owever the nurses at Dawson h ospital have informed the poli e that he is very irritated that he can only watch the tube frq m one eye and has made com ments to the nurses that he Last Saturday when one young, braze st- udent who worked a- t the school paper w- as scouting informa; The young man had left his Arbutus Rid- ge apartment earlier that evening thinkin- g that he would retu- rn with two eyes. Lit- tle did he know that for the rest of his life he would have to live with only a single eye. This yonug man still is currently being d- etained with the Da- wson police as they undergo an investig- ation. While the eve- nt does not seem su- spicious, the polize c- heif insisted in comp- leting a full investifa- tion to rule out any f thnography, this you- ng man unfortunatly had his left eye comp- letely knocked it with t flew out of his head! ee? ee a oul play. Further info- a hockey puck. Away i- has the original eye, it rmation will be elaas. ill have to adjust that is available t solo eye. New one eyé clase es are being looked into ag there is no longer need tog pay for two lenses if he org ly has one eye and is onlyg able to see out of one eyes More information regardigaz one eye glasses on page