FES 201075 INFORMATION In January the Senate at U.B.C. decided that, jn the future, students who fail a diagnostic test must take 4 non-credit composition workshop. Important to us is that this new regulation applies to all new students--with or without - English 100 equivalency. R. W. Lowe, Director English & Communications SOS NF AERA ARN Senate hits grammar failures By SUE VOHANKA Students failing the English diagnostic composition test next year must take a non-credit English (:om- position workshop along with English 100 to get cl‘edit for first year English, senate decided Wednesday. The special workshop must also be passed b¢fore students will get credit for English 100. Under the new regulations, all new students must take the diagn)stic test whether or not they have completed the equivalent of English 100 elsewhere. The workshop will require two hours work per week and will study English sentence structure, con- ventions of standard English usage and the Lasic principles of expository writing. Currently, students failing the composition test are transferred into an English 100 section dealing with composition. They are not required to attend extra composition sections. Senate also agreed to disclose voting results of elections for student senators and board of governors members. The decision reverses the result of a December senate meeting when it défeated a motion calling for publication of all senate (‘lection results. Senate also establishec| a committee to look at exam policies and praitices with emphasis on Christmas exams. “This isn’t intended to tell any faculty or depart- ment how to give evaluations,’’ said R. F. Osbourne. * Osbourne, physical education and recreation director, said the committe is a response to students vn about exami held contrary to senate rules. Although senate does riot allow. in-class or take- home exams to be held during the two weeks before See page 2: SENATE -The Ubyssey 23 January 1975