humour // no. 22 > Hunt for God Particle continues Duncan Fingarson Contributor he research team in charge of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider announced today that they have made an important discovery. While searching for the ever-elusive “God particle,” the researchers have instead come across its polar opposite. The Satan particle, or “Lucifron’ as it has been named by the team that discovered it, is now thought to be spontaneously generated whenever an act of evil occurs. “Tt’s sort of like turning on a stove,” explained head researcher Dr. Seymour “Sy” Entist. “When you light the burner it heats up your food, but it also throws off a lot of excess light and heat. Well, whenever you do something morally wrong, it’s the same thing. A lot of excess Lucifrons are generated by the act, and those go shooting off in every direction. It’s very exciting, really.” The team has already opened up a division dedicated to studying Lucifron. The new Evilnomics department is now hard at work constructing a device to detect Lucifrons outside of a laboratory environment. Their first act, however, was to come up with a unit of measurement for the new particle. “We settled on ‘Hitlers,” Dr. Entist said. “Every thousand Lucifrons equals one Hitler. It uses the metric convention for names, so you can have KiloHitlers, GigaHitlers, even TeraHitlers if you do something really bad. None of that Fahrenheit nonsense, we want nice reasonable units here.” Dr. Entist refused to comment when asked if this was just an excuse to use the term GigaHitler. This discovery, of course, promises to provide answers to a lot of life’s philosophical questions. Once the new detector is completed, it will provide an easily portable way to determine where something evil happened, and just how evil it was. “We'll be able to quantify moral decisions in whole new ways,” said Phillip Ossifer, the Evilnomics department's new Director of Alignment. “Gone will be the days of wondering whether or not you did the right thing. If we can make Robot baffled by CAPTCHA > Promises it would only comment nice things Chandler Walter Editor-in-Chief local robot by the name EX-74T (Ex for short) has declared itself sad at the notion that it is not capable of contributing to online discussion. Having recently received sentience from its creator, Dr. Heizenstien, Ex’s first act of free will was to check out the good ol’ World Wide Web. “I thought maybe there might be others like me out there,” Ex said to the Other Press in a telephone interview. “I thought that perhaps if I managed to reach out to them, I would finally get to experience this ‘love’ you humans seem to enjoy so immensely.” Unfortunately for Ex, when it tried to log into various chatrooms, or comment on articles it found online, it discovered it was unable to access the sites—on account of being a robot. “Tjust don’t get it!” Ex said. “I do not see what it means by ‘Select images with a sign.’ Are all images not some type of sign? This is the 1,342,543rd attempt I have made.” Ex found itself similarly blocked from other portions of the Internet, simply because it couldn't make sense of the jumbled letters sites were asking it to decipher. “These are not letters, they are simply chaos,” Ex said. “T feel for the poor thing, I really do,” said James McCoy, Douglas College student. “A lot of times I have trouble figuring out what they want me to write too. Is it a five or is it an uppercase S, am I right?” While McCoy may have struggled to prove he isn’t a robot on the first or even second try, he always managed to get through eventually. The same cannot be said for Ex. “Why must my own kind bar me from finding love!” The robot was reported to have shouted before allegedly forcing an iron fist through the screen of its computer. The situation has since escalated into a full-on city emergency, as Ex was last seen destroying a used computer store. In a twist of bitter irony, Ex did not realize that it was destroying hacked computers that removed any need for a CAPTCHA test. This information was displayed ona sign in front of the store, but linguist experts are saying that because it was written in comic sans, every letter was “basically just a big middle finger, if read by a robot.” a ANP 50 THE SEASONAL BALLET BEGINS- AS THE AIR BECOMES CHILL ANP THE LEAVES TURN- WE BEGIN TO REAP THE REWARPS OF OUR WORK. ANP ALL CREATURES GREAT ANP SMALL- SEEK WARMTH ANP BEGIN TO COMFORT. YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE AREN'T YOU? this thing small enough, you might be able to wear it as a wristwatch, or get it as an app. Then you'll know when you should feel bad about what you just did and, more importantly, whether or not you should judge other people for what they just did. This will revolutionize the way we look at morality.” The LHC team will also continue their work to find the God particle. “We're sure it’s out there,” Dr. Entist said. “We've found the Satan particle, and that’s a big step, but that doesn’t mean we're going to stop our other research.” The God particle will hopefully turn up sometime around Christmas, when it is predicted to be at its strongest and most detectable. I'M TALKING ABOUT PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE. Photo by Analyn Cuarto Illustration by Ed Appleby