sol atetationn ditel Ame ictemeiemaatiimminatd January 22, 2003 Gallery Poetry/Fiction/Essays/etc. © page 18 AN INFANTICIDE A young woman is playing with her daughter in the front yard of their home. The sun is warm and bright. The suburban streets are empty. The only sound is a car several blocks away. The little girl, perhaps four years old, notices something at the other end of the yard and goes to look at it. Her mother takes a book , she had left on the grass next to her and reads for a few moments. The car can still be heard, somewhat closer now. “Look, Mommy!” she hears her little daughter say. “Look at the beautiful flower!” But when she looks up from the page her daughter is not there. Scanning the yard she notices a violet in a garden where only daffodils grew before, and the violet begins to shimmer like a mirage. It dances down the sloping lawn and onto the street, and turns into the little girl at the moment she is struck and killed by the car. The little girl makes no sound. The car pauses only a second, then drives sedately on, and the woman never sees who was driving. by Sean Mcllroy the other pres