March 19, 1990 Other Press Perez Should Clean Up His Act, Mouth When defending the Student Society’s action for putting up an information table about Black Awareness Month, DCSS Presi- dent Aias Perez is quoted stating: "My job is to represent the students of this collegé.""Though true in- deed that such a purpose serves the interests of the students in this col- lege, I do not, however, consider Perez’s conduct in handling dis- putes by using such remarsk as "bullshit" and "...who gives a fuck..." as being representative of the students of this college. Exer- cising such conduct when things seem unreasonable is not the type of behavious that we should expect from a President who is supposedly representing the student body. In response to Ombudsperson Keith Olstrom’s remarks regarding the "Ombudsperson terminology issue", Vice-President External - Christina Steinmann is quoted in the Febuary 26th Other Press as Stating: "... if his using language like that and if he continues to rep- resent himself like that ... the Stu- dent Society is going to do something really serious about it." This statement should also apply to Perez as his language was by no way appropriate and is surely not what is expected and required from a representative figure of the stu- dent body - especially the Presi- dent! If Steinmann is serious about what she said and does not have a double standard, then the Student Society is going to have to do something really serious about the way Perez conducts himself as Stu- dent President. It has also been alleged that Perez is not keeping his office hours. If this is true, then he is truly not doing his job in representing the students of this college. Further- more, if itis true that his grade point average is somewhat below 2.00, then I find this a matter of concern. I can appreciate that being Presi- dent will demand time from his schedule, but surely he should have considered that before taking up such an important position. The job as Student Society President re- ‘ quires a mature student who can manage his or her time effectively. If Perez can not properly co-or- dinate his studies with his position as President, then he should resign. I would also like to know if Perez is currently enrolled in any classes at Douglas College this semester, and if not, why? I believe that Perez should answer to all these questions and allegations because the stu- dents of the college deserve to know if they are being "properly" represented. T also believe that the students of this college deserve to know how their money is being used by the Student Society. The Student Society should be held accountable for the approximately $200,000 that has been accumulated over previous semesters. If allegations of financial mismanagement are untrue, then show us how and where this money is being spent. Former Ombudsperson Bill Small is quoted as saying that the majority of Student concerns are issues relating to the College ad- ministration. While this may be true in part, I am sure the majority of students are also concerned if their own Student Society is not conducting itself in a proper man- ner. The Student Society should be monitored by Ombudsperson Keith Olstrom because it is a part of his job to do so as a representative of the student body. If the DCSS is in fact conducting themselves proper- ly, they should not take offense to such action. The Student Society should recognize and respect that Olstrom too serves the student in- terests of this college and if they can not see that as true, then I have serious doubts as to whether or not they can objectively serve student interests as they seem only too con- cerned with their own political ones, For the benfit of the entire Stu- dent Body, the Student Society and it’s President should answer all al- legations, questions, and concerns not only from this letter, but also from the increasing amount of others that are showing up in the Other Press addressing concerns about Student Society conduct and should do so via The Other Press in order that all students are able to be kept informed. . Steve Anderson Peace Coming to a Theatre Near You What does anybody think is going to happen when all that stuff doing on in Eastern Europe hits our country? I wonder. I mean, we think that we’re a pretty free country, but let’s face it, we could sure use some changes in our quality of life around here. You look at the faces of the people over there in Europe and they’re happy. Understatement of the year, per- haps. These people have had a lot of time to think of what they want to do with their freedom. We take our’s for granted. Everywhere you look, we’re solemn faces. We have to be prodded to recycle. We don’t really know very much about politics. We take jobs we don’t like to support in homes in a city so expensive. We can’t afford much quality time, grow gardens, play music, make love, rend, relax, get to know friends, and burn flags (just kidding). Uh-oh, Canadians better watch out. Something’s gonna wake up, Bang! Peace’ll break out allover. : Arne Olafson Other Press Appalling For Use of Bad Words I am not amused! It is at times like this, when I wish the term "The Other Press" meant that this paper was printed for "Some Other School". How- ever, no such luck as of yet. I was appalled, upon reading the March 5 issue of "The Other Press", when I came across the heading "An Evening Out In Fuck- face City". Even more dismaying is how such a headline ever managed to be printed. I believe that I speak for a very large number of students, when I say that such a headline is completely unacceptable! And in response to that ridiculous sign "The Other Press” has hung in the main lobby, you people need not come tothe student body to find scandals worth printing, your paper is scandal enough to fill up the next several issues. Further more, "Member At Large" Tim Crumley, "Entertainment Co-Ordinator" Nick Walden, and "Production Co- . Ordinator" Matthew Martin, should make a printed apology to the student body and then resign their respective positions for allow- ing this headline to make it to print, as each should have taken steps to prevent it and didn’t. Perhaps, had this paper had taken a few moments time from it’s busy schedule, of turning the words of Ombudsman [sic] Kieth Olstrum in every direction, desperately searching for anything they could construe as a sexist comment, as well as generally dumping on every male who opens his mouth; to monitor some of the garbage it’s [sic] reporters print, none of this would have happened. Jay Stidolph Celebrate the Gains Made for Equality March 21st is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and there are many issues that can be addressed on its relevance both here in Canada and abroad. The day was established by the United Nations to commemorate the Sharpeville massacre which took place in South Africa in 1976. The massacre was a result of South Africans demonstrating Did You against the racial system of Apart- heid in their country. This March 21st is extra spe- cial because one of the vestiges of Apartheid is being eliminated as Namibia claims its independence from South Africa. Independence Day in Namibia is a great victory against Apartheid and racial dis- crimination. However, many more changes are yet to come as the people of South Africa begin to dismantle Apartheid in their own country. Although we are beginning to eliminate racial discrimination around the world, we still are having problems here in Canada. Racist lapel pins are being sold in our own back yards. One of these pins depict Canadians from three different ethnic groups in stereotypical garments with a Euro- Canadian in the middle as if being threatened by the other figures with the caption "Who’s the minority in Canada?." The pin asks an important question, however it ignores the answer: everyone is a minority in Canada. Some fear the emigration of non-Europeans because they fear that Canadian culture as they see it is being threatened. Other pins sold oppose the change in the RCMP uniform to include the turban, which would allow Sikhs to become a RCMP officer. Although the government finally decided last week to allow the turban as part of the RCMP uniform, the opposing groups are still vowing to fight the change all the way to the Supreme Court. The language issue in Canada is still discriminatory even with the recent Supreme Court decision on French language rights. While French and English minorities are guaranteed instruction in their own language, the same does not apply to other minority language groups. Natives and other groups are not given the same rights as other Canadians to learn their heritage language even if their numbers in a given area may be higher than the number of people speaking French and English. Yes, we have come a long way to eliminate racial discrimination. We still have a long way to go. But on this day let’s celebrate Know... *that the US, with 5% of the world’s population con- sumes 50% of the world’s oil exports; *the average American makes 22 trips to the refrigerator per day. Reducing the amount of times the fridge is opened can reduce energy consumption consid- erably. *water saving shower heads are available which can greatly reduce consumption compiled by Arne Olafson our victories for the equality of all humankind. Let’s celebrate the change in the RCMP uniform to allow turbans and the inde- pendence of Namibia. The week and day of March 21st is also significant for other things. It is the beginning of spring and a festival in many cultures. Navroz, the Persian new year is on March 21st. Other spring festivals have also being celebrated includ- ing the Hindu festival of Holy, The Jewish festival of Purim and the Irish St.Patrick’s Day. So, let’s celebrate! Imtiaz Popat President Should "Keep His Mouth Closed" Please! Please! Tell the Presi- dent of the Student Society to keep his mouth closed. He is beginning to sound like Bill Vanderzalm [sic], quite foolish. Name Withheld By Request.