page four | Okay, here we are, another issue of the Other Press and some profound social issue has to be given due attention. Do we write about the tens of thousands ofl Salvadorians being massacred in the name of a puppet regime protecting American imperialist agression? Or, how about the annual hue and cry over the slaughter of seal pups in Newfie Land? Perhaps our current labour troubles warrent some exposition with garbage up to our assholes and telephone lines lying useless behing milling picket lines? What about the mid-term blues? No, that should have been written about in the last | paper. So what the fuck should I talk about then? Should I rehash these old subjects and relate them to today’s alert, caring student body? Bullshil! Today’s student body doesn’t really give a fuck about today’s issues and only picked up this paper as an escape out of boredom during a break from basket weaving in the lower renaissance 301. Frankly,-I don’t even know why I am writing this stupid piece of prose, is it because I care of what is actually being said here? Is it because I just have some col umn space to fill after guzzling a few beer? That’s it! That’s why I’m writing this stupid ‘‘Other Speak’’! Wefi shit, I mean the punk nihilistic point of view is so prevelant today, why can’t I take that point of view too? So give,me several cases of generic beer, plant me in a comfy chair, stack the room full of penthouses, and put Charlie’s Angles on the tube. T and A all the way Ian Hunter The Other Press” is a don oteat cally cin: student ~ i hed twelve times a eS during ; under the auspices of The The Other Press letters March 12, 1981 Retirement unjust Dear Editor: When I came into the Community Social Service Worker Program in Sep- tember 1981, I thought I knew how to write letters, memos, reports and other items of business communi- cations. This assumption was based on the “North American concept of suc- cess--I had been paid a substantial salary for my ability to do so. I got my first assignment back from Helen, my Communications Instructor (COM 110) and had to face a shocking truth - I knew very little about communications. To accept this was the first step in learning for me. I am now learning what I call ‘‘The Helen Grodeland Method”’ - simple, stream- lized and effective. I did not have the opportunity to learn ‘‘The Helen Grode- land Method’’ before it was not available to me. - am Now Helen’s method is being made unavailable to future students because she is being forced into ‘man- datory age 65’ retirement. I concerned for the C.S.S.W. students that will follow this class. Commu- nications for a Community Social Service Worker is a vital part of employment. I have had the experience in my field work placement of doing an intake assessment and having the supervisor, who was present at the interview, comment ‘Good - it tells anyone exactly what the situation is’. The C.S.S.W. program needs Helen to help other students in future classes to reach this understanding and abi- lity to communicate in their reports, ‘exactly ane the situation is’ Why is the College allo- wing this to happen? Toretire an instructor of Helen’s calibre without any provision for continuance of body waves her special method is to deprive the C.S.S.W. pro- gram of a needed part of the learning that is imperative to graduates of the program in obtaining and keeping a job in their field. I have always considered Douglas College to be in touch with the student’s needs. At Douglas College I feel I am considered. As a student my needs and wants are of prime concern. At Douglas College, I feel I can choose the courses that best fill ny needs and wants for learn- ing. For me to explain “The Helen Grodeland Method’’ to someone not in the course, is very difficult. I will have the advantage of completing one more se- mester (COM 290) with Helen and then, perhaps I can ‘explain. My classroom experien- ces include getting back assignments, shot full of holes. Peep holes, that cont. on page 5 STREAKS &HENNA mens hair design open 9-6 bring ad and get 10 % discount Specializing in monday thru saturday french braiding