MAD HATTER PAGE 32 ARCHIVES First, we are concerned about the impack on student, statf and faculty morale of the implementalion of a system which appears to beobjective and therefore fair, but which is, in fact, neither. Second, we are concerned with the basis fer and process of appeal Senior managenent have declared their intention to have a system so that the various units can appeal their rankings. We question how it will be possible to appeal @ subjective decision. Finally, we are concerned with the lack of objectivity of the individual memhers of the senior management yroup and with their relative lack of expertise in the area of measurement methodoloyy Over the last year, EPPCO has found itself faced with many aqenda items that have been related to budyet cutbacks. We feel we have been asked to deal with these items on a reactive basis and have found this request an extremely difficult one. As a result, we sk the Board to consider a proactive stance to the current budget problems, and urge them to increase their efforts to mobilize public support in our communities so that the present political priorities can be changed and the valuable educational function of the community college can be recognized and supported by the government.