aa | Seen Dee ©e@0200808008080080 Cea le em SERS HME SEE VIDEO GAME: TEL CETL MRL scarce today— Mario and Zel: with Diddy Ko barrels down r leave your ho or atime whe also hard to i games at all: some video arca floor. Instead, they were rele; time, such as Pong and Death F meant for children. With games such as God of meant for a more mature audi what changed in video games that, but I wonder what made Comparatively, there are differences between the game and those of today. But the and the one that trumps all o artistry and creativity have integral to our enjoyment of games—to the point where most gamer: aware that they’re there; they just know ] it is when they’re not. No, I’m not talking about games like Flo where the whole point of the game is to games to be works of art, from the musi: using technology meant for movies to cre Games like Beyond: Two Souls and Call originally meant to produce dangerous c that was used to create the Na’vi in Jame sure that us gamers can’t complain about are ending, my friends; instead, we have be scanned and put into our gameplay. Ideas like these are changing and revoluti perfect graphics and immersive gamepla age of 12 appreciating the effort today’s c other words, the force that’s driving the i of old; instead, the driving force is the I ask Ryan McGechaen, a game develope artistry and creativity is when developing; “Absolutely important; I really believe five years ago. If you look at a lot of the them are focussed on artistic expression