A special table was purchased and located in room $706 (Surrey campus) for a Graphic Arts' student who is confined to a wheelchair. Will the person(s) who removed this table return it as the student is having considerable difficulty trying to complete the assignments. Rick Reynolds Campus pores or The Association of Canadian Commun- ity Colleges’ Annual Conference, COLLEGE CANADA '77, is fast approaching. Special cost reductions through group travel arrangements are possible, and a brochure with further information is available to everyone interested. Please call local ea for a copy. FOR SALE Gestetner Machine, alectitc, reconditioned, makes excellent copies. $300.00 For more information contact Gaye in the Surrey Admissions sada Local 256. 1966 MGB, 3 tops, wire wheels 2 studded snow tires on wires Excellent condition throughout $1,750 FIRM Call Marj at Surrey, Loc 221 or Home 591- 1566 ere: nen FOR_SALE Kenmore automatic washer _ in excellent working condition. Asking $250.00 Call L221 (Surrey) News Releases LANGLEY CAMPUS Douglas College Council and the Langley School Board have agreed that por- table buildings will be placed on the Langley Senior Secondary site as a tempo- rary measure toward establising a permanent campus in Langley. This was the agreement reached in a meeting between Douglas College Council and Langley School Board representatives in order that some college classes can begin by January, 1978. The college's operations’ in Langley actually began this September with the college taking over Adult Basic Education and secondary completion programs which were previously offered by the Langley School District. The college hopes to offer the ABE courses, a clerical program, and possibly Basic Training in Skill Development which provides students with English, Math, and Science to the level they need to take vocational training. The Clerical Program will provide training for employment as clerk-typists, bookkeepers, business machine operators, and general office personnel. "Both the school board's and college council's prime concern is to establish a campus operation in Langley as soon as possible," commented College Council Chairman John Sutherland. “Our first priority is a temporary site, then a permanent one," he added. Talks will take place next week with the Ministry of Education as well as the municipality and city of Langley regarding the purchase of a permanent site in Langley. Special funding for the temporary campus has been made available by the Ministry of Education in response to re- quests from both the school district and the college.