"Value, the Curriculum and Teaching" {A Seminar at Cambridge, England) July 11 - August 2, 1975 (The information given below is tentative. We want to know whether or not enough people would be interested to justify pursuing the matter further.) Type of Program (A) Orientation at Cambridge. (3 days) (B) Homestay and school visit program. (1 week) (C) Workshop at Cambridge.(1 week) Possible topics - Values in the Curriculum - Humanities Curriculum Project - Moral Education (D) Free days. (5 days and many afternoons). Format Emphasis on discussion. Consultants from UBC, Rutgers University (USA) and United Kingdom. Other Features Possible Package flight or arrange own flight. 9 Cambridge tours. Special events - drama, music etc. Course credit from UBC. (If sufficient interest, this will be investigated) Cost $1,000 (approximate) I would be interested in participating: Name: Address: I want to take the seminar for credit at UBC ( ) Course credit does not matter ( ) Return to Dr. J.R. Coombs, Faculty of Education, U.B.€. -11.>