re Sports May 2004 e/y + F Miley Bports Editor Colin Miley | hagbard Summer Fun On A Student’s Budget ‘Unlike Will Rogers, I cannot honestly ay I've never met a man I didnt like. But certainly I have never met a surfer didn’t like.” ‘erry Thornley, Discordian Society Co- ounder, Author, and General Rabble- ouser Welcome to the first in a summer eries of outdoor adventures for stu- ents seeking unique experiences. While having a nervous breakdown early April, I made myself a prom- to do something new, exciting, d worthwhile this summer. To that nd, I’ve been searching for cool ways o spend a few of the dog days this ear. And I’m going to share them ith all of you, free of charge. First p: learn to surf. If you're anything like me, you've kely been harbouring a nagging wish st of things youd like to do in this fetime. You know, see Tibet, kick ordon Campbell square in the junk, xchange a solemn vow with a person pr whom you have a genuine affec- on, streak a major televised sporting ent—that’s merely a sampler from y list. I’m sure you've got a perfect- good list of your own. For years now, learning to surf has een right at the top of my personal o do” list. I most definitely concur ith Mr. Thornley’s astute observa- on about surfers. It seems to me that sc the more surfers I meet, the more I want to learn to surf. Actually, I want more than simply learning to surf. I want to sleep beside the waves. I want to have my meals cooked for me. I also want to operate a kite-powered buggy on a sweeping Tofino beach. Actually, I added the part about the buggy after I learned about Pacific Surf Camps, presented by O'Neill. My only two concerns regarding this adventure are of the all-too-com- mon variety—time and money. More concisely, I’m worried a lack of both. Now that May is upon us, I have to try to earn enough money to keep myself plush in phat textbooks and superfly Raman noodles all next year. That means working this summer while still taking at least three cours- es. How am I going to find the time ‘and resources to learn to surf? Damn, I knew it all sounded too good to be true. When searching for a fun way to learn to surf, I therefore set the fol- lowing two parameters: four days or less, and under $500. Pacific Surf Camps offer a three- day, all-inclusive getaway, complete with surf lessons, transportation, and campfire coffee. According to the brochure, the camps are “designed to get beginners standing on their first waves and give visitors an insight into Tofino’s beach culture.” The price for the all-inclusive weekend is $499 + GST. The cost seems fairly reasonable when you consider that it includes transportation, ferry costs, camp costs, meals (when not travelling), surf lessons and gear. In addition to learning proper technique, surf eti- quette and water safety, the camp also offers power-kiting with beach bug- gies and boards to fill your time when not in the water. Power-kiting basical- ly consists of using a kite to propel a motor-less buggy (on the beach) or wake board (in the water). Campers stay at the Bella Pacifica Campground, a few steps from Tofino’s MacKenzie M*A*S*H-style tents with cots and heaters allow campers to sleep beside the ocean, while maintaining a few basic creature comforts. Lessons are provided each morning; while the afternoons are open to explore Tofino, learn to power-kite, or play beach volleyball. Pacific Surf Camps departs from Beach. Photo by Jeremy Koreski Pacific Central train station in down- town Vancouver (Main St. and Terminal Ave.) at 5:30 am on the first day. From there, it’s on to Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal, and then across to Vancouver Island. Once on the island, you are taken through scenic forested roads for three hours before arriving in Tofino at mid-day. It’s a lot of travel for a three-day weekend, but that seems like a minor drawback compared to learning to surf. I figure I can probably sleep for the bulk of the drive. The $500 is right at the top of my budget, but hey, it’s May now, and my student loan should be arriving any day now. Only one question remains: Who's coming with me? You can email to reserve your spot with a 50 percent non-refundable deposit. Alternative- ly, you can call 1.888.253.7696 with a brief message and your phone number. A really cool surfer will call you back. OtherPress | 25