- October 16, 2002 the Other Press’ Opinion Poll Last week's poll question was HAIR or BARE in the nether regions (because it’s all about thought-provoking, important issues). Op-Ed The results? the other pr HAIR: 4 BARE: 4 A LITTLE OF EACH: 4 Now sit back, relax and take in the comments Jesus, who the hell thinks up these questions? Do you mean “down there,” as in “do I shave my toes?” Well, no. And do I want to pretend I’m having sex with either a porn queen or a five-year-old? No. Like all these lily-white, mid- dle-class white boys walking around in jailhouse chic with crotches down to their knees (no belts allowed in jail, see?) talking like they just got out on parole from Ryker’s Island, why is it that uptight, sexually-squeamish white girls want to look and dress like they make a living taking it in the ass from a stranger in front of a camera? Bryan Got to vote for hair. But, nicely trimmed. There is nothing worse than a thick underbrush that you might find in a jungle. My current girlfriend is nicely “manicured” to the point that she did a little “landscaping” on myself. She likes the look and so do I. Can’t wait to see what important question you are going to ask next week. tT Bare is sexay. Davidoff Bald as a billiard ball, thanks. Beware the itch when it starts to grow back. Maddening! TB For women I think a bit o bare and a bit o hair is attractive—like the little triangle up top. Men should keep groomed, but NOT hairless—that’s just too..fleshy. fAL Hair, definitely. ’'ve never understood the appeal of a woman shaving, maki her appear pre-pubescent. That just seems sick to me! Beverly Hair. Why remove something nature gave you? Provides great protection against cold, disease and hairphobic intruders...nice and cozy, like a fireplace in winter. The one with hairy legs I think it should be bare for women, BUT, I also think that if a woman kee things Bare “down there” a guy should be groomed “down there” too!!! Not neccessarily bare, but “groomed”... JES Okay, clearly the poll questions are getting out of hand. It all started with the Slurpee vs. Big Gulp poll by J.A.L., which garnered a record number of votes. How could we possibly go back to questions like “who's responsible for the tuition hikes?” (How many votes did that one get? Oh that’s right—ZERO.) So, in keeping with the in-poor-taste, but seemingly popular theme, here’s your question for next week: The Third Degree “There are some places in Europe where marijuana is legalized and it drugs is the same as prohibition of alco- worth the time and money is not taken advantage of. People hol. Prohibition causes problems in police spend on looking for are doing it anyways—they might society that are worse than the problems people thet are smoking it or as well do it in the open, without caused by allowing people the choice of selling it.’ hiding.” using drugs.” Erica Anna Dave © page 8 Rea Harasemljuk OP photographer What is your opinion on the legalization of marijuana? “Te should be legalized. Prohibition of Natural or Artificial—and of course we're talking breasts (also known as boobs, tits, chest, hooters, guns, jugs, mammary glands, bosom...) Vote by Friday at midnight please. By email—opopinion@hotmail.com. (If you include comments, please sign your name so we know it’s okay to use it By fax—G604.525.3505. By voicemail—604.525.3542. Or drop off your vot and comments at the Other Press office, room 1020. “It is a good thing. It's not