Tuesday April 24, 1990 the Other Press. Other Editorials Them Thar’ Yankees Wanna Come in Here and Take Over, saantotan Martha! Betcha Th’ain’t Ginna Git Past th’Mounties! Last Thursday, the Other Press received a letter and propaganda from the "Expansionist party of the United States." The letter begins: "Want to join the United States? If so, you are not alone." I could not believe my eyes! It was so incredible that this group of Americans could be so arrogant as to think that Canadians would want to join them. Along with the letter came a pamphlet entitled: "Private Action for Canadian-US Union." In this is the party’s actual proposal for how the union would come about. The gist of the thing is that Canada would be split into 7 states but would not have equal repre- sentation in Congress as the other 50 states. Of course, to completely con- tradict itself, it goes on to say that "never in history have the people of two such enormous countries put their trust in each other." If we trust each other so much where’s the equal representation? The people in this party seem to think that Canadians envy Americans, probably because of the way our country tends to absorb Americanisms like a sponge. “Canadians would finally be fully a part of that hugely dynamic civilization they eavesdrop on and feel drawn to but cannot now claim as their own." This condescending attitude is no way to win Canadians to their cause. As a Canadian, I do not envy Americans and their arrogant, pathetic egocentric and ignorant at- titudes towards everything from their foreign policy to their declin- ing economy to their political sys- tem, which is full of holes. The party is obviously trying to play upon the political strife going on in Canada over the Meech Lake Accord, and Quebec’s veiled and not so veiled threats to leave Canada should the Accord not go through. But Canadians, French and English alike, and especially those Quebequois who are thinking of a union with the US, should be warned: this party is not the answer The writers of this document claim to abhor imperialism while at the same time advancing a position which is obviously following the spirit of imperialism in the grand tradition their government has dis- played since the US gained power in the world scene. "Nationalism, the scourge of our age, can probab- ly best be overcome by subsuming a smaller nationalism into a larger one." to Canada’s problems. Within the platform put forward, French people would have to accept the fact that services would not be of- fered in their language, "nor would they have any right to demand spe- cial accommodation." In other words, Quebec would lose even more of its distinctness and culture than it already has, and it would lose services they already have ac- cess to as Canadians. In effect, French Canadians will lose rights if this party has their way. Another point the party put forward is that Canadians born before this union may or may not be able to become full American citizens. It would depend on anum- ber of things that aren’t quite made clear in the paper. Another, that only certain of our politians would be encouraged to run for election, the rest farmed out into other professions, especially all those Socialists and those capital L liberals who may or may not be likely to vote Democrat come elec- tion time. Also, those not US born (apres union) will not be able to run for political power. The world respects Canadians as a peaceful and friendly nation of people. Notice how Americans travelling in other countries wear Canadian flags on their backpacks do they don’t get spit on. If Americans are so anxious not to be recognised as such, why would Canadians want to be? The party has put forth a lot of proposals that are full of holes and just goes to prove how ignorant and narrow sighted these people really are. They contradict themselves at every turn, and their attitude is one which will not serve to win them much support anywhere. Matthew Martin Congrats to Recipients Dear Other Press, Congratulations to all of the scholarship and bursary recipients! This select group of students were presented their awards at the Douglas College Foundation award dinner on March 22. The evening was a great success. It was a great honour for me to be the official representative of the students that evening. I also had the honour of presenting a number of the awards that night. As the representative from the Douglas College Student Society, I presented the DCSS award that is sponsored by the society. Two deserving students were presented with this award, Maria Cruz and Nicole Sander. I would like to ex- PHOTOPOL "Borders are a silly concept anyway. Terrirotial disputes are huge source of conflict in the world." Corey Moore tend special congratulations to these two students. The scholarships and bursaries are donated by groups inside and outside of the college. Without these donors, the opportunity for students to receive financial awards would be sadly unavailable. The Douglas College Founda- tion is an internal organization that administers and organizes the awards for students. Their function is to raise the monies needed for the many services that they provide. Besides administering scholarships and bursaries they also provide grants to support Douglas College programs and activities. For ex- ample, some grants are directed toward equipment purchases for Douglas College. Personally, I would like to extend a hearty thank- you to the Douglas College Foun- dation. In closing I will repeat my thanks to the donors and Founda- "I think it’s fine for certain provinces but not necessarly ours. Canada has no identity to speak of and nothing would be lost." Dale Romanko tion for providing this very neces- sary service for our learning institu- tion, and again, congratulations to all of the award recipients! Michael Cook Student Harrassed On Way to School Dear Other Press, On my way to school today [Friday, April 20th], something happened that made me stop and wonder what the world was coming to. Instead of climbing the dreaded 8th street hill, I came up the back way, along Carnarvon and up by the courthouse. I was on the south side of Carnarvon and crossed the street before I reached Mug’s and Jugs because I didn’t want to walk by the man staring at the pictures of the women "enter- tainers" that are displayed outside the enterance. As I reached the other side of the street, this man shouted "Fuckin’ slut!" When I turned around, he was staring at me and since I was the only woman on the street, it was obvious who he was talking to. I wanted to shout back "Up yours asshole!", but I didn’t be- cause know what the man would do. Would he come after me? Would he yell more insults? Would he follow me to school? I didn’t know so I didn’t take a chance. What this man did, some would call violence against women, some would call it sexual intimidation, and some would wonder what all the fuss is about. All I know is that I was scared. = What do you think of the "I don’t think there is any pos- siblity." Lyn Gallie possibility of US expan- sion into Canada? "We won the war of 1812. They tried once and lost." Rosalind Gellok The Other Press The Other Press is a democrati- cally run, autonomous newspaper serving Douglas Col- lege since 1976. It publishes throughout the year under the auspices of the Other Publica- tions Society. Our funding comes from a direct student levy paid every semester at registra- tion and through local and na- tional advertising revenue. The Other Press is amember of Canadian University Press and subscribes to its Statement of Principles. We reserve the right to refuse to publish any article regarded as racist, sexist, homophobic, or warmongering in nature. Opinions appearing in the Other Press are not necessarilty those of the entire collective. Other Press Staff Advertising Manager Tim Crumley Editorial Co-Ordinator Tamara Gorin Arts & Review Co-Ordinator Nick "The King” Waldron Graphics Co-Ordinator Betty Cheung News Co-Ordinator Marion Drakos Human Rights Co-Ordinator Vacant Photo Co-Ordinators Marion&Betty Production Co-Ordinator Matthew Martin Sports Co-Ordinator Kym Baiicy Contributors David Baxter, Arne Olafson Dena Nishizaki and a special _ thanks to the sources of infor- mation for the pullout. Thanis for the permission to reprint. Reading Collective You The Other Press is located at Room 1602 of the New Westminster campus of Douglas College. We can be contacted at §25-3542/05. Remember, we publish throughout the summer, and we need staff then too. Everyday is Earthday. It was an unprovoked personal at- tack on me! a person, malle or female, should not be scared to walk to school, no matter what route they take. I think I'll be taking the 8th street hill the next couple of times I come to school. B. Roth Recycle This Newpaper ed "T don’t like it. Americans are too patriotic and they take themsel- ves too seriously and besides, Canadians dress better." Kim Ye