ACTING PRESIDENT OF KWANTLEN Kwantlen College Board announced that Dr. Jack Newberry has been appointed as the Acting President of Kwantlen College. Dr. Newberry is the Executive Director of Management Services Division, Ministry of Post-Secondary Education. otc wi BOOKING LISTS Please help us by sending in your film booking/equipment lists as soon as possible for the Fall 1986 semester. lf you need any instructor! s request forms call Elizabeth at local 2104. ANNUAL VACATION | will be on vacation from July 28 to August 22, inclusive. During my absence, the Acting Dean will be: July 28 - Aug. 1 - Trish Angus Aug. 4 - Aug. 15 - Virginia Chisholm. Aug. 18 - Aug. 22 - Al Atkinson Gerry DellaMattia VACATION - TERRY CLEMENT | will be on vacation from July 28 through August 22nd. During my absence Don McEachern will be Acting Dean, Applied Programs Division. Terry Clement ‘ACTING COLLEGE PRESIDENT | will be on vacation from Wednesday, July 30th through September Ist. During this period, Gordon Gilgan will be Acting College President. TO ALL COLLEGE PERSONNEL | must inform you that on July 22, 1986, Dean Terry Clement, for personal reasons, resigned from Douglas College. Dean Clement's reasons for resigning were entirely personal but were compelling, leaving no room for alternatives. The leadership he provided in the Applied Programs and other areas of the college will be sorely missed. He has agreed to O stay on until the end of October in a part- time capacity in order to assist us in ensuring a smooth transition. | hope that you will join with me in wishing Terry luck and success in his life and career away from Douglas Col lege. Bill Day, President ROOM & BOARD/ROOMS Comfortable lodgings, good cooking, close to Skytrain and bus in New Westminster. Reasonable Rates. Available September or earlier. Phone Ray or Colleen at 521-2176.