Leonard George (Son of Chief Dan George) Will Lecture on: Indian Culture: Past, Present and Future To the "ETHNIC MINORITIES" Class (SOC 230) March 21, 1984 1200 - 1400 hours Room 1807 Everyone Is Welcome Men’s Hoop Squad Scores A for Effort Totem Championships at BCIT for men's basket- MadHatter Page 6 2 sed ON ieee gs i 4 for Linda MacPherson and silver medals for Damian Chang and Tony Kho. Because of VCC being declared ineligible to compete at the | CCAA in Montreal, Damian and Tony will accompany Linda to Montreal on March 2] - 25 Good luck, Group: Intramural volleyball is on for one more week. Students are now beginning to default as much as staff and faculty. Any sugges- | tions for an activity that everyone would love? Movies are being shown in Room 2201 Thursdays 1 - 2 p.m. and students are welcome to drop in and watch for free. Casino Night onSat,Mar 24. Come and bring your friends. Tickets available from athletes, P. E. students, Student Society Office and Room 1338, Athletic banquet is scheduled for March 30 More information to follow. Betty Lou Hayes ball saw our team put forth a fine effort. Losing to Capilano (the eventual winner) by 6 points and Fraser Valley by 2 points with a little help from the referees. Our cheering section was stupendous and lst place cheering prize goes to the men's and women's volleyball teams who got to- gether with some of the most original cheers I have ever heard (complete with cheer- leaders). The women's basketball team followed a close second with P. E. students and D. C. Alumni making themselves noticed. The curling team consisting of lead Randy Jones, second Chris Wilcock, third and skip Mark Jarvinen, fourth Ted Stanyer and coached by Gert Van Niekerk pulled off silver medals at the Totem Championships in Kamloops. Gert is in Kamloops this week-end for the CCAA National Championships with a women's and a mixed team. Congratulations and good luck, Gert: Robin Ryan's badminton players came home from Malaspina where the Totem Championship competition took place, with a gold medal Douglas Badminton Players Have Happy Romp At B. C. College Championships in Nanaimo Happy Romp for DC Birdie Players | 1984. | Friday, March 9th, Linda MacPherson (Singles) and Damian chang | and Tony Kho (Doubles) bound for College Nationals at Montreal, March 25th, 1984. As the contented wine taster slurred, ex- ploring with his taste buds, "Thish ish a good year. ..." (With regard to badminton: ) \ Ten Douglas players - Bob Chapman, Damian Chang, Patti Corrin, Steve Forbes, Tony Kho, Min Lee, Linda MacPherson, Sheila Murphy, Serino Pereira and Shamir Sidi | slipped into high (badminton) gear (IT'S ALWAYS HIGH.) for the first competition - | The Team Championship. The event wasn't | 4 decided until the final match, the Mixed