THE MAD HATTER A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semesters, bi-monthly in the summer semester » by Douglas: College Technical and Vocational Institute P.O.: Box 250%, "New Westminster ns Editor: Telephone: 588-4411, loc. 283.. a Judie "Steeves, Surrey Campus ‘Please, also be reminded that the reserve "deadline for the fal 1977 semester is August 10th,” wish £© process the majority La oe _resetves before Sept. 1 in order to respond to emergency requests and the needs of sessional faculty, If the deadline is not met, processing of reserves could take as long as three weeks. aN Y Notice Board Further to the notice which ey appeared in. the Mad Hatter of {4 April 25, 1977, the Libraries will be closed as follows: May 16th all day May 17th all day May 18th Open May 19th 9:00 - 12:00 a.m. The Libraries will be closed for Professional Development. David R. Williams, DPW/eb Director of Libraries. From: Janice Friesen Circulation Librarian Re: Reserve Lists The deadline for submitting reserve lists for the Summer semester is May 10, 1977. The reserve forms are available at the circulation desk in each campus Library. Please give complete information on the forms to ensure speedy processing. Kot tena: Douglas College now has First Aid attendants at Surrey, New Westminster and Richmond. Anyone requiring first aid treatment of any kind, please contact: Paul Andreassen - N - A/V Susan Somers - S - Library Tanya Filbrandt - R - Administration (pending final examination ® results) ae The First Aid ‘attendants need to have a complete list of all poisonous substances (chemicals, cleaning fluids, glazes, etc.) used throughout the college. We require the chemical name, brand name (where possible), concentration, quantity normally kept on hand and the campus location. Please note that we need the lists as soon as possible. All areas are affected. ie. Biology lab, Chem. lab, Geol. lab, Printing, IRC, A/V., Darkroom, Carpenter Shop, Physics, Fine Arts Labs, Libraries. We are also setting up a card file for anyone who may have special health problems and wishes to have this information available in case of emergency. ie. Allergies, Diabetes, Heart Problems, etc. The information needed to set up the file are ; Name, Specific Health problen, _ Age, Doctor, Emergency Phone Number, Address. The file will be kept confidential. Please eend all information to Susan Somers — Surrey Library