association of canadian community colleges association des colléges communautaires du canada A TITRE D'INFORMATION FOR YOUR INFORMATION January 7, 1974, MEMORANDUN The Chief Executive Officers Canadian Post Secondary Non-Degree -Granting Institutions Allan Goldenberg Executive Director The Association of Canadian Community Colleges HIS IS A REQUEST FOR MEMBERSHIP AND SUPPORT. ft is rather long, but I think the message is important} When this Association was instituted in November of 1970, many of the Colleges supported it through membership with the knowlecge that there would be "little return on investment" until the A.C.C.C. could "get off the ground’. This kind of support has continued for the last three years, Due to the physical, geographical, social and linguistic mosaic of Canada, basic communications, exchange of information and understanding of each component sector has been an almost impossible task. It has been difficult to create a climate favourable to the release of local energies that would together create strong ties between the College of Canada. Spread over 3,5 million square miles, in 10 provinces and 2 territories, Speaking two c‘ficial languages, with no federal office of education - some in the 147 post seconcary non-degree-granting institutions have found it difficult to think of sustaining pe eee fcr a National Voluntary Agency when local problems and finances have been ficult. who have supported us thus far and we can demonstrate to ALL of the Colleges that we merit continued support on cur demonstrable actions. I think we can now start to substantiate the confidence expressed by those of you it is my intent to outline the Association's projects, services, programs and accomplishments. There is much detail that cannot be reviewed at this time in this manner. Through personal staff visits, College contacts by our Beard members and Regional Representatives, we are attempting to contact you personally. This takes times We think the A.C.C.C. has “rounded the bend" but your endorsement and support is still vital. My requestis simple. Review what follows. If you wish more information contact any of the people on the enclosed list. I have also enclosed an invoice to cover your institution's membership for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1973 and ending September 30, 1974, As you know, membership is based on the number of full-time students currently enrolled at your institution, Sas In 1970, the A.C.C.C. was constituted as an Association of Colleges (Post Secondary Non Degree Institutions): "To provide liaison between and among the Colleges and with other related institutions, associations and orgenizations”’ "To initiate research for the Colleges of Canada" "To set-up "Clearing House" services for the Colleges of Canada". WHERE WE NOW STAND.... ERENCES - COLLEGE CANADA "College Canada '73"' was successfully held at Québec City last Fall. More than 400 delcrates attended and participated in 21 different EDUCATIONAL Forums, 15 "Show & Tell sessions and a commerciai Exhibit area of more than 30 representatives of business, industry and the Colleges. Plans are ncw underway for ''Colleze Carzca '74" from Novembe~ 17 to 20 in Winnipeg followed by cur 1975 Conference in Vancouver from November 9 to Li SPESIAL SEMINARS The A.C.C.C. assisted in the operation of the "National Seminar on Collective Bargaining’ in November at Banff and is jointly sponsoring a ‘'Semunaz on = ‘ian St:dies'’ trum April 5 to 9 aiso at Banff. The Community College Internationa! Institute at Lambton Colicge from June 19 to 13 and the Comnvnity Coileve Institute from June 4 to 23 2t Mont Orford, Québec are operated with A.C.C.C. spensurship and active representation on their respective Advisory and Planning Committees. The Association in co-operation with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education has published the book "Learning about Canada’. It was instrumental in the collection of data and is now distributing Jim Page's report cn the ''Status of Canadian Studies in the Community Colleges of Canada". The newest publication will be an annual Yearbookor Journal which is now in the final stages of editing for printing and distribution in October, 1974 on the "Community Coliege Student in Canada'’. The A.C.C.C. is co-ordinating and administering this project. From time to time various publications of interest are procured and distributed by the Naticnal Office of the A.C.C.C.