Gathering of First Nations page 3 Crossword - 2 The smarter sex - 4 Grizzlies tix - 8 Volume 21 - Issue 10 Gons OS The Dorcscanp _ by Ciaran Meeks A thousand years have passed and the old gods are stirring. Churches are torched in Norway, biker wars thunder across Scandinavia, and the rage of Black northern Europe, elements of the Internet where no less than 12 . : eee : which are prominent in the Celtic | Asatru Websites are listed on-line Metal music roars like a vitriolic death machine. These — wiccan tradition. The most well __in the Yahoo! Web indexing . kn f these deiti F ice. events are bound together by a rebirth of the old wind Dies tony sutilinr uv chic’ 2°. Yow Wangiab ale inh bas Re oe ° . ° ° he Wi ti f the Tripl ization t te Ni Viking religion. Alarmists prick up their ears and raise Goddess and her consort, the _paganiem in the United States i Horned God of the hunt, the paganism in the United States is their voices. Satanists! Nazis! Evil! But what is the truth {crests and the beasts), Nerthus, started by Stephen MeNallen in the earth, agriculture, fertility, and In 1972, Norse paganism was death. Many students of religion _ officially recognized as an existent consider them to represent a and legitimate religion. The most survival of the pantheon of the recent example of the renewed much older Goddess religion of interest in Asatru can be found on the Asatru Free Assembly (AFA), and Njord. 1971. Other groups include the of Asatru? The mythology of the Norse Odinist Fellowship in Florida, the t was.a misty, rainy A t T , this revolves around a time lost in Odinist Committee in England, the I a Fa ae ak es tik ATO st. solide d sede ee os antiquity wherein the Aesir and Northern Way (tied to the AFA) in base near Reykjavik, Iceland. ing even, as it evokes , Mie None wasted, later See on ay Pee ees me mY er tne te -merging. The gods are said Heathen Way in San Francisco and to dwell in the mystical Asatruarfolks in Iceland to name realm of Asgard, beyond _ but a few. Like other forms of = the Bifrost, Rainbow Paganism, there is a healthy = Bridge. Odin’s diversity of views. The AFA handmaidens, the publishes “The Runestone,” a Valkyries, gather the souls of quarterly journal, and hold a Beneath the shroud of low clouds _ images of a primal in the sky a small group of protest- _ past, of a set of beliefs ers had gathered around the base _and way of life to protest the presence of foreign thought long gone. troops in their country. However, despite From out of the crowd one remaining relatively figure stepped forth, bringing with unknown for the most part, the — COO mI him an indefinable, yet powerful presence. A pagan priest witha flowing white beard bearing a staff with a horse’s head carved upon it—Sveinbjorn Beinteinsson, a priest of the ancient Norse Asatru religion. At first he neither said nor did anything, then, planting the pole in the ground he turned his baleful gaze towards the NATO base and raised his voice to chant a curse much as his Norse ancestors did before meeting their enemies in battle centuries ago. “I raise this nid (insult) against nuclear weapons and all warfare...] raise this nid against the destruc- tion of life and the land, so help me Freyr and Njordur...” (from National Geographic, “Iceland: Life Under the Glaciers” by Louise E. Levathes, Vol. 171, No. 2, Feb. 1987, pg. 187.) ancient pagan Norse religion of Asatru is making a comeback, both in its original birthplace in Scandi- navia, and in North America. Asatru, or Odinism, means “belief in the gods” in Old Norse; adherents claim affinity to the Aesir, the major race of gods and goddesses of Norse . mythology. The Aesir include gods : that many people -: are familiar with: Odin the All Father, his wife Frigga, his sons Thor, Balder and Loki the Trickster, and others. The Aesir is a race of sky gods, who are more aggressive and powerful than the other group, the Vanir. The Vanir are gods of fallen warriors and bring them to Valhalla, Odin’s great hall. The warriors spend their time feasting and fighting, anticipating Ragnarok, the final battle between gods, giants and men, wherein gods and men are destined to be defeated by the giants, may begin anew. Asatru, like Wicca and other all but extermi- nated by the Christian years ago, but is enjoying a resurgence in more modern times. In Iceland, as in the other and the cycle of life pagan sects, was church over 900 yearly three-day festival called the Althing after the ancient Norse gathering of the same name. The Althing is held ina rural, forested area and consists of rituals, fellowship, music and feasting. The Heathen Way also publish a newsletter called “Yggdrasil” after the mythological World-Tree, or centre of the universe. The Arizona Kindred also publish a newsletter called Odin’s Folk and the Northern Way publish “Pagan Unity News”. (Note: This information was taken from the book “Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess- Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America Today” by Margot Adler. Revised and expanded between 1979 and 1986, it is somewhat outdated, but Scandinavian countries, the ancient _ still an excellent resource.) restrictions were removed in 1874. continued on page 5 The Other Press January 211997 1