INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / NOVEMBER 13, 1990 NEWS BRIEFS Open House Treasure Hunt o help celebrate the 20th an- niversary of Douglas College and the Open House, the Systems and Computing Department will be sponsoring a Treasure Hunt. The first three people to solve the puzzle will receive prizes. Starting Tuesday, November 13, there will be clues, hints and answers appearing on your ter- minal screen. Collect this informa- tion until you are able to complete the treasure hunt. To participate, you must have your own DC user account and you must log on every day. (If you don’t have an account, drop into Room 4720 and apply for one.) Make sure that you save or remem- ber each day’s clues. A-V Equipment Delivery re you aware that the Audio- Visual Department has an equipment delivery and pick-up service for instructors? If you have not participated in the pilot project and would like to do so, please call us for further details at local 5185 or 5187. Helen Rowan @ Faculty Professional Development Workshop UTURE-HISTORY PLANNING PROCESS _The power and universality of futures-invention rests on the prin- ciple that participants are persons in command of their wits, possessed of the capacity to have and know their intentions, and to realize them in action with other persons who are capable of the same. In short, all per- sons can invent their futures — rich and poor; educated and illiterate; of- ficials, professionals, and citizens — exactly because it is their futures. And the aim of the invention is not to describe what the future will be like, but to express what persons intend to bring about in the future by taking action in the present. Thus, the methodology of futures-inven- tion rests on the principles of discovery and the mastery of competencies. November 26th, 1300 to 1500, Room 1809 Contact Eugene Hrushowy, local 5122 to reserve a seat m TOr ay Al Atkinson, Dean of Educational & Student Services, greets longtime College employee Mayme Furber at the Retirement Luncheon, October 26.