Ue al CO-OP EDUCATION BOOKSTORE HOURS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 work. And, at age 35, Mike has much more work experience than the average co-op student. “In most co-op placements," he says, "the student is really getting their first taste of the working world. | didn't have that adjustment to make." In many ways, he probably seemed an unlikely candidate for the Douglas College program. But his success confirms the versatility and flexibility of the co-op concept. Co- op Education isn't just for an 18 year old, and it isn't just for those whose ‘plans fit into the regular framework of alternating work and study terms. The program lends itself to the needs of each student, to help him or her achieve individual goals. For Mike, some of the benefits were con- fidence-building, a learning chal- lenge, and the chance to enter his new career field and begin to prove himself on the job. Mike says, "The Co-op Program turned out to be really good for me, because | was able to get into the computer field, even though | wasn't educationally “qualified”. It's given me an opportunity | wouldn't other- wise have had to get into program- ming. They're happy here at Head- work, and I'm certainly happy with it." As Lynne Mann says, "The expecta- tions have been met for everybody involved." SEPTEMBER 1 - 18 INCLUSIVE Registration: September 1 - 3 9:30 - 4:00 First two weeks of classes: September 8 - 10 9:30 - 7:30 September 11 9:30 - 4:00 September 14 9:30 - 7:30 September 15 - 18 9:30 - 4:00 AUDIO VISUAL BOOKING LISTS Please help us by sending in your software bookings/equipment lists as soon as possible for the Fall 1987 semester. If you need any instructor's request forms, call Eleanore at local 2104. Thank you. Audio Visual Depart- ment HEALTH AND WELFARE PACKAGE This is a reminder to all employees who have not yet picked up their Health & Welfare Package. The Package is available through Per- sonnel and includes important infor- mation related to your benefits. Please claim your package as soon as possible. UNION BULLETIN BOARD The Union Bulletin Board has been moved due to the installation of vending machines. The Board has been installed on the concourse level (floor 2) next to the gym. Thank you. Marian Exmann WELCOME CATHY HART Cathy Hart, a Teaching Master from Northern College, South Porcupine, Ontario will spend a sabbatical year (September 87 - June 88) with the Consumer and Job Preparation Program in Community Programs and Services. She will be located in Room 2325, local 2325, CP & S. Bobbie Boehm, Community Programmer: Consumer and Job Preparation Program for Adults with Special Needs