MAPLE RIDGE CENTRE Mad Hatter Page 6 COURSE STATISTICS - FALL, 1984 (Cont'd) Tota} seals (4) COLLEGE PREPARATIUN COURSES Carried forward = 34] - ENGLISH 120 (1.5 credits) 13 - ENGLISH 121 (1.5 credits) 1] (course commences 84-10-23, = : registration to Sept. 30) 24 24 (5) ENROLMENT - GRAND TOTAL - a1] credit courses 365 (6) OVERALL AVERAGE CLASS SI7E = 365+ 13 = 28.08 (7) STUDENT COURSE LOAD - all credit courses Registrants by number of courses: No. of Courses No. of Students No. of Seats 5 19 95 4 17 68 3 15 45 2 32 64 ] 93 93 176 365 Average Course Load Per Student = 365 = 176 = 2.07 Number of Full-Time Students = 19 #17 = 36 Adult Basic Education ‘capacity 44 seats) (1) Level I (Literacy) 6 FTE (12 half-time students) Full (2) Level LI/111 16 FTE (13 full-time, 6 part-time) Full (3) Level ITI/iv 'o FTE (13 full-time, 6 part-time) Full English as a Second Language {capacity 50 seats) (1) Beginners/Intermediate ESL 136/236 1g (2) Intermediate /Advanced ESL 335/435 Vi JHD: jrh 64-10-09