DOUGLAS COLLEGE CHALLENGE ‘8b ARCHIVES Challenye 'S86 has just been announced by the Minister of Employment and Immigration Canada. It is a waye subsidy proyram desiyned to create summer employment opportunities for students in areas that directly relate to their course of study. The proyram provides the opportunity for students to develop skills which will enhance their ability to yain future employment. Applications are due in to the yovernment by March 14, 1986. This will require that all Colleye applications be sunmitted to the Student Finance and Placement Uftice by March 3 to allow sufficient time for processing. All staff and faculty wishiny to apply for Suimer student jobs are reyuested to forward their applications to their Chairman/Director. Mid manayers are asked to review applications to ensure that all the required information has been colipleted before they are forwarded to the Student Finance and Placement Office. Application forms are available from the Student Finance ana Placement Uffice in room 2710 and the Community Resource Development Uffice in room 48UUE. Persons reyuiriny assistance in completing applications should contact the Community Resource Development Uffice local 4811. The exact number of jobs to be created under this proyram is Subyect to our CEIC allocation and approval of the Colleye budyet, however, Manayement Committee has allocated funds to support the Program as follows: 1. A student waye rate of $5.0U per hour 2. Employee benefits The tanayement of these funds will be coordinated throuyh the Student Finance and Placement Office. Unce applications have been received by the Student Finance and Placement Uffice, they will be reviewed by Patty Lewis, Bob Corbett and the BCGEU representative to ensure they are in keepiny with the terms and conditions of the collective ayreement, All applications meetiny these criteria will then pe prioritized by a committee of the deans and bursar under the chairwanship of Gerry DellaMattia. Staff support will pe provided py Patty Lewis and Bob Corbett.