qr) “pet a4 a ’ i l ky Pi ' . “Ma ad Hat : Trae 23 : pouatas COLLEGE Ag fund. P ikk coer ab ARCHIVES | ane 5. Advise on fund rai ee related Py | us | Wgh? oe oe on administration and! House, rat NDP. Fe eee ee eee Ne ae: of ¢ mite 1 fur nis. TM Sh my dary education I involve Stee funds a desi ~ | who need | financial, Ree ance in | the views and concerns of the academic com- | | | Third reading of the bill is yet to come. . | It is our last hope of convincing the een a |munity is. beginning to show incr te purpose of ‘the Trust eu is to provide trustees \ areas: ne inst in 1 divi sions of the Col’ lege | on the dist ibution of ‘non-designated 1 unds. |3. Establish and annually review the |) criteri used for distributing ante |4. Provid seat ige and guic th | College Boar I have made every effort to keep discussion n going on this bill so that | munity, youth and women will be heard, ehae deleterious. effects its action will have on the universities and colleges of Canada, Pauline Jewett, MPL | Post-secondary SPOS euECLs: DP hie i Preparations are underway sons major public campaign. _ Response | from 1 the colle: e com- easing sup- port ae the fund. To answer raves sions and p le an update on the current status of | ation will be published at in the Mad ‘Hatter. greater cee a Douglas Col tee for students order | to ; The Bo ard of ‘manage the Fund as an Advisory | ve and 0 jperat ional Committee in the nol lenng ‘| continue — eir education. _ Auditing to ensure that designated funds. are disbursed in accordance with donor's | | ee | ' ee revi ew ‘recommenda tio to the on the immediate and | long fs ‘term ‘gomles objectives and operation of pS eee ee eee ducation — | Bu Coll ege mni Representative - Ray | AMS: pon -Representativ yes: | = Jack coh ine, Bur ‘aby ks . wi fa: ‘b financial | f ne ‘and non-designated basis where o| iy interest earnings will be distributed | ach ye: sar. he is | es neat giving and reco: ition on recommendations. ‘to the College Board. Tae | The Soard of Trustees is oo e aie iene: baal _ ae Mor fey ; . Peter Greenwood mental Education - Al | Atkinson - Jack Campbell, Port Coquitlam = - George Mussallem, Maple Ridge = ‘Student ‘Representatives: - to be named : Coll ege President - ex officio qa | Their term of office by the Chairman of the College Board. ? ‘Meetings of the Board of Trustees will be — held quarterly. All recommendations re- garding investment and disbursements of Ha will ee suliect. to the approval of — riveria ean dseeinaes of funds will be reviewed at the ‘of the Board of Trustees to be ‘held 1 eer Ss month. Recommendations from tha und esignat, ed } Allu hea donations will be- d epos i nto e Trust Fund, the revenue. from " “used to ‘provid de bursaries, grar g Ee to students based on d. Donations ‘in the form Bis (111 be managed through the em | scho larships | | Trust Fund and will be di sbursed it “gy an “accordance w with the donor's wishes. A tri Deane will go directly into the | | provision of ‘financial aid to students \ who ey ed categories of donors - levels mes ter reports and | ; Me a 0 4 Dire eh of Student Services and hau | ‘thi “meeting will, ‘be publish shed in the Mad Hatter ae | qualify. Ove Overhead cos osts: for for administeri ng | is. one year, renewable ‘ 7 iret ‘meeting hich] 4 ar gr nts, |