Kducational Leave Report The activities I am undertaking this year are of three types. They involve taking courses at UBC, serving in community coun- selling services, and visiting other col- leges and institutes. The fall looks like this: 1. UBC courses: - Counselling Theory - Theory of Group Dynamics RM . Community Helping: Vancouver Hospice Project - Weekly training sessions - Providing emptional support to termin- ally ill patients and their families (at Vancouver General Hospital one aft- ernoon a week, ) After Christmas, the activities change: 1. UBC courses: - College & Adult Counsel- ing - Cross-cultural Counselling - Counselling Women 2. Community - MOSAIC (a cross-cultural counselling centre) - observing, attending staff meetings, helping as need arises. Throughout the year I will visit other local colleges and institutes. I will spend the most time at the King Edward Centre of Van- couver Community College to learn about their testing program, and services to new Canadians. Then I plan to visit Pacific Vo- cational Institute and Kwantlen College to learn more about their programs in general, and TRAC in particular. If anyone would like to talk to me about any of my plans, please feel free to contact me at home. See you next September: Beth Morris Mad Hatter Page 2 : aaipaat | | Director Awav Al Atkinson, Director of Student Services and Developmental Education Department, will be away from the college from October 24 to 31. During his absence, Gerry Della- Mattia will be the administrator respon- sible for the department. | Pearls | The student editors of "Pearls", the Doug- las College student anthology of prose, poetry and graphics, are distributing cop- | jes of the fourth edition of this publica- tion to faculty and staff. If you do not receive a copy and would like one, would you please contact Maurice Hodg- son at local/room 3320. There are some copies of Numbers 1, 2 and 3 still avail- able. We hope to soon start compiling No. 5, so if you have any submissions, please take them to room 3320. We hope you enjoy "Pearls" No. 4. College P.D. Day Please note that the College Professional Development Day has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 8, 1984. All departments and | disciplines are requested to leave this day free from any meetings, so that all | faculty may attend. College P.D. Committee CONCERTS & RECITALS All concerts and recitals scheduled for the , theatre in October have been post-poned, | due to the unavailability of the theatre until all finishing work is completed. It is hoped that the series of concerts will take place as scheduled beginning with the | Michael Strutt, guitar, concert on November | 3 at 1230 hours. |