- DOUGLAS COLLEGE - ARCHIVES MAD HATTER PAGE 3 A. We have had recommendations that both the Curriculum Coordinating Committee and interdivisional representation on Divisional Curriculum Committees both be eliminated. Both recommendations were persuasively developed, and have sound logic. Some degree of intercommunication at the working level must be provided for if we are to remain in touch with each other. At this time, | have elected to adhere to the proposal for a Curriculum Coordinating Committee consisting of Chairmen and Directors of line departments of the college. The proposal makes clear the fact that this committee is not intended to subvert in any fashion the authority of the Divisional Curriculum and Planning Committees, but is intended to be a communication and implementation committee. Problems of implementation of curriculum and development become those of management and would be referred (if necessary) to the Manacement Committee. As each individual on the Coordinatina Committee is in his or her own right working on behalf of a departmental committee, this should provide an adequate degree of "grass roots" information. B. A proposal has been made for a college-wide curriculum committee, separate from the College Policy and Planning Committee already provided for. At this time, | am not intending to recommend this structure to ’ the Board. Such a committee provides a major structural alternative, rather than a support to the notion of authoritative divisional curriculum committees. The College-wide Policy and Planning Committee as presently sttottured pravides a very adequate degree of representation... This committee should | be fully competent to advise the college ot any policy issues. Should that prove not to be the case, the college-wide committee is ina position to recommend new structures and alternative approaches to problems. A final note. After detailed discussions with representatives of our three associations, | have made provision for an ''at large" student, faculty and staff member on the College-Wide Policy and Planning Committee. These persons will not be representing any association, as such, but are intended to represent the generality of the constituent group in the capacity of providers and receivers of service. Thus, the three associations are left free to act as political bodies in their own right In direct relationship to the Douglas College Board. Naturally, these associations still maintain formal representation on the College Management Committee. As and when the Board approves the governance system, this fact will be announced, and advice and direction will be provided to the constituent groups of the college regarding election processes and protocols. Staff work is already under way in this regard. WLD:bb