SELL GE GTN atin attains ma time SELF-STUDY REPORT AND FOLLOW-UP To: All Faculty, Staff and Adnintstrators From: Helen Casher - Chatrman of the Board and Chairman of the Steering Commtttee for Institutional Self- Study Now that the External Evaluating Team has completed tts visit, I have asked Don McEachern to dtstrtbute the Self-Study Report to each of the reporting self- study untt teams. Unfortunately, costs prohtbtt distrtbution of coptes to each member of faculty, staff and administratton. We are, therefore, providing two coptes to each untt team for etreulatton to members of the team and the untt. Please study the report carefully as it wtll form an important part of our ongoing review process. The Board and the Admintstrattion of the College are committed to a systematic follow-up of our self-study and the report of the External Team. Reg Pridham will be providing spectfic guidelines for the follow-up process. On behalf of the Board of Douglas College, please accept my thanks for the constderable time and energy that so many of you committed to the self-study process to date. It ts a valuable process which wtll contrtb- ute stgntficantly to realtztng our commtit- ment to tnstttuttonal renewal. a oe STUDENT ASSISTANT FUNDING D.C. Staff, Faculty and Administrators are invited to apply for Student Asststant funding through the Ministry of Educattons Work-Study Program for the summer semester. There are a limited number of Work-Study postttons avatlable, but tf you have a project or job a student could do on campus and you are prepared to supervise, please submit your appltcatton by Mon., Aprtl 14, 1980, 4:30 p.m. to the Student Placement Office in N.W. Applications will not be aecepted after this deadline. For applications and informatton call Student Placement at 521-4851, loc. 269 tn N.W. WHAT'S HAPPENING AT D.C.? (an tnvttation to all faculty & staff) If you've been wondering what goes on tn some of those new programs at Douglas keep these dates open! APRIL 16 (4-6 p.m.) NEWTON CENTRE Gutded tour of faetlittes, short video presentation and discussion with prinetpals and instructors about the programs. Wine & Cheese, gratis. APRIL 23 (4-6 p.m.) COQ. (Winslow) Short sitde/tape presentatton of Adult Baste Education program throughout the college, Soctal Ed- ueatton program and discusston of teaching methodology. Wine & Cheese, gratis. Come and see these programs tin actton - learn about the other half. Tath... BOOBE ssĀ» argue... all skeptics welcome! Further detatls of these two tnformal sesstons tn the following Mad Hatters. College-Wide Professtonal Development Committee SURREY CAMPUS MEETING Monday, April 14, 1980 - room 407AB 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. Agenda: 4:00 - 4:10 p.m, 4:15 - 5:15 p.m, 0:15 - 6:00 p.m. Refreshments & Ltbattons C.E. Presentatton Sltde Presentation MAD HATTER PUBLICATION DATE CHANGED The Mad Hatter will be published on Tuesdays instead of Mondays, starting April 8, 1980. The Mad Hatter 7s a D.C. newsletter. Deadline for submission ts Thurs. noon. Enquirtes, please call Liz Glass, loc. 283, Surrey Campus.