THE MAD HATTER & A Douglas College Newsletter published weekly during the spring and fall semésters, bi-monthly in the summer sémester by Douglas College Technical and Voéational Institute ; P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. Editor: Judie Steeves, Surrey Campus Telephone: 588-4411, Local 283 I wish to conment on Dr. Wootton's open letter to Chris Johnson that appeared in the last edition of the Mad Hatter. Having organized a number of parties at the college I can understand the feeling of disappoinment that results from an on lack of support for the functions. wever, I am puzzled by the reference to the "unusual reasons" for not attending the dance on April 1. I hope the "accountability" we've talked about these past few years was not referr- ing to social functions. Personally, I don't think those of us who missed the do should be expected to give "reasons" - unusual or otherwise. I'd dearly love to get even more support for my plays, but I'm just terribly grate- ful to my associates that did come out. I'm assuming that there are a number of people who wanted to attend Cruel Tears and couldn't, but that the remainder just don't dig theatre. That's their privilege and God help us all if the situation changes! Your truly; eos Dorothy Jones SRE GEE ES a AAR AA Se A i x EO OA le LE AE IA Ee SIO IE LT OTC I SEO RN ae OFS APRIL FOOL'S DAY DANCE To those who did not make it--you missed a fine meal, great music for dancing and an opportunity to relax and socialize with College Personnel. Thank you, Chris Johnson for organizing a wonderful evening. Support Staff, Library Notice Board Four jobs have been returned to the printing department, unclaimed. If you requested these, please call printing at local 227/s: 60 copies of a Royal Bank Monthly newsletter entitled On Being A Mature Person; 25 copies of Using Community Service in Indian Communities; 50 copies of Introduction: A Morality of Evolution; and 20 copies of a gefieral question test ie dahl : COLLEGE LIBRARY, ARCHIVES SAFETY AND HEALTH COMMITTEE There are now three qualified First Aid attendants at Douglas. Pat Yorke - Surrey - Bidlogy lab Paul Andraesson - New West - Library AV Susan Somers - Richmond - Library Tech. Serv. Any accident should be reported to the First Aid attendants (or campus supervisor if F/A attendants unavailable). Notes this is in accordance with the WCB regulations and applies to all employees (faculty and staff) IN CASE OF EMERGENCY DIAL "0"