Ae ea ne ee SR Seep ee See oe gna ite en oe See ee apabasamimmadea ..continued from cover during the day.Bi sth Westminster and David Lam buildings are compact and self- contained in their own city blocks. The biggest safety concern appears to be the Sky Train station at New Westminster, and walking to, or through, that area, which can be worrying even for young, strong, well-built male students. Yet, despite such misgivings, many stu- dents never use Safe Walk, nor plan to do so. ; One yoting, petite woman can't always find a walking buddy, but thinks she doesn't need Safe Walk, considering herself to be fairly street-wise. “I try not to make eye contact with anyone while walking on the street” she said. Another young woman attend- ing evening classes just doesn't think to contact the Safe Walk vol- unteers, preferring to hurry away after class. A female student, who MIKE QUONG cn International Film ° a siFrestival kicks off on Friday, September 25. Elite films . from all over the world will be featured. Founded in [982 by Leonard Shein, Vancouver's film festival is the third largest in North America. Vancouver's largest cultural event, the festival shows the most extensive selection of East Asian films of any film festival in the Western Hemisphere. It also boasts the largest documentary section of any North American tilm festival. Several films by talented Canadian directors are to be 9 he 17th annual Vancouver “T felt ‘dorky’ when the volunteers waited at the bus stop with me,” she said. “Besides, the bums down there looked at the Safe Walk jack- ets and thought the volunteers were street workers. Next thing, the bums were asking for money from them, and I felt more hassled than if I'd been alone.” A student with’ disabilities (who might have been expected to prefer safety in numbers) has not used the Safe Walk program, although she is aware of its existence. “At times when I have wanted to leave, I’ve had to wait for the volunteers, and sometimes there wasn't always a female escort available” she said; “So I prefer to find my own buddy, or avoid late evenings and early mornings at the Sky Train station as much as possible.” A mature female student, who, fiabiorial Filth a own: A few featured films from C€anadaz’such as Leda and the Swan, are about love stories and the nature of reality, This film is the first feature by director Alexandra Gill. It tells of the myth of Leda and the Swan with stories about actors and film-makers. Open Season tells the tale of Heather Frise and Velcrow Ripper through a documentary on bear hunting, focusing on the quarrel between those who believe it is their right to hunt the bear and those who defend the bear's exis- . tence. Rupert's Land, directed by Jonathan lammuz, reunites two half-brothers for a three day drive to Prince Rupert to attend their like Susan Witter, may have become more cautious over the years, has used Safe Walk several times, and wouldn't dream of walking to a parking lot at night without an escort. “Why put yourself at risk in an area where drug dealers hang out?” she asked. “The volunteers are available, why not use them?” However, for some students, safety is primarily a physical prob- lem. The student with disabilities knows that it is impossible to change the physical space of Douglas College, but thinks that the New Westminster campus has “an incredible number of stairs with inadequate markings or rail- ings.” Some days this student fears for her safety in the congested hallways when several classes end simultaneously. Her 1 10-pound frame has almost been bowled over ‘by the human tidal wave stamped- Festival update father’s funeral. One brother is a clean-cut BC lawyer, and the other is a hard luck BC fisherman. This year at the festival, Visa cardholders will be able to pur- chase tickets five days in advance of the general public. Alan Franey, festival director, believes this will enhance the stature of the festival by associating it with an interna- tionally recognized consumer pay- ment brand. An estimated 140,000 film lovers will attend the festival, up from last year's 130,000. Check out the film festi- val’s web site at www.vifforg for more information. very Wednesday from [2 k= to 2pm the Douglas College Student Society will be showing free movies in the DCSS cafeteria. Complete schedules of the movies being shown this semester are posted in the DCSS building. Manufacturing Consent—By Noam Chomsky This ts a [50 minute documentary on the influence and political aspects of mass media. Noam Chomsky proposes that the media manufactures public consent by what it chooses to show and not to show. It focuses on democratic societies subjected to subtle forms of ideological The Dou control. Manufacturing Consent is broken down into six segments. I. A propaganda model of the media: Exploring alternative media (43min) 2. A case study: Cambodia and East Timor (29min) 3. Concision: No time for new ideas (I Smin) 4. Holocaust denial vs Freedom of speech (12min) 5. Noam Chomsky: Personal influences (28min) 6. Toward a vision of a future society (23min) Stolen Moments—By The National Film Board of Canada This video looks at three las College Student Society proudly presents centuries of lesbian life, weaving together the lost threads of history. From the unique lesbian cultures of Amsterdam, Paris and Berlin, the film moves to the North American meccas of New York, San Francisco, Vancouver and Montreal. It combines old footage, dramatic re-creation and an evocative score with personal commentary from Olympic athlete Nicole Brossard, Joan Nestle, Leslie Feinberg, Judy Grahn and Audre Lorde. Showing Wednesday September 23, 1998 in the DCSS Cafeteria Page 4 September 16 1998 a r\ ing to the cafeteria or deli. She would like to “raise people’s aware- ness” and educate students and faculty members that not all bod- les negotiating the crowded corri- dors are built to withstand WWF slam checks. Staggered class times, while cre- ating more havoc in the registrar's office, might decrease such hazards as hallway wrestling matches. Most students who were inter- viewed seem to agree with President Susan Witter that Douglas holds no on-campus ter- rors during the day. However, proximity to the New Westminster SkyTrain station, and the human scum who congregate in the area, does cause concern. Safe Walk is available four evenings a week, but doesn’t appear to be as well used as it could be, and it isn’t available Fridays or weekends. The Other Press is interested in hearing from any WWF-WCW & where they’re at MIKE QUONG s everyone has probably noticed lately, Vince McMahon is really running low on WWF title contenders. Every pay-per-view main event in 1998 has featured at least one of Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Kane or alter-ego Mick Foley. The main event for Breakdown is no different, as Austin, Undertaker, and Kane will clash in a triple threat match. If McMahon was able to sign Ric Flair for at least a two year deal, and yeaa Shawn Michaels returned from his injury, those two added into the McMahon/ Austin feud would give guys like Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Billy Gunn, Rocky Maivia and Owen Hart time to prepare to become the flag bearer for the World Wrestling Federation. Also if Vince pulled Vader of that ridiculous feud with Blackjack Bradshaw and got him feuding with Kane, things would look more promising for the future. As for WCW, the talent roster is much larger. The main event match-ups for pay-per-views in 1998 have had more variety to them than the WWE. Mind you, Eric Bischoff really needs to get That's got to hurt! Safe Walkers pictured: Dave Cété (va unteer),Rod Haymond (coordinato Sharon Canton (assistant coordinator). Annette Martin Pho’ students or employees who have further opinions on this subject. If you have any comments or concerns about safety on campus, please drop off a letter to Annette at the Other Press, room 1020, or leave a message at 525- 3542, the title away from Bill Goldberg It really disturbed me when Scot Putski recently received a world title shot on Nitro. Now Putski isn't the first career mid-carder who jobbed to wrestle Goldberg, but this is the reason why it was such a bad idea to give Goldberg the world title so soon. He shoul OP File Pho have kept the US title for a little longer. Goldberg's winning streak will ultimately be his downfall. The winning streak is what hi whole gimmick is based on. Sure he’s 143-0, but what will 143-I sound like? Ridiculous, in my opinion. I do know that if Bischoff is intending to have Goldberg retire undefeated, he's going to lose his entire fan base within the next year. This is mai ly because after 1000 wins Goldberg will get as boring as th New World Order got a year ago