7 b money for things like tourney fees and travelling expenses. The society has endeavors they will no longer be able to follow the rainbow into the Douglas SHAT Me swsdoing October 5th, 1984 PPAAYT BTHTNART © THE OTHER PRESS AY AMA page 17 No more pot of gold clubs, which make up approximately ten percent of the students here at the college. The policy will only affect the athletic clubs, which means that the intramural programs will still receive If any athletic clubs are looking for a pot of gold to finance this year’s funds from the society. from the society by volunteering at the infamous Douglas Collége socials. Not only will our athletes receive first hand door and how to clean up after 300 or more over-worked students who seem to let out their frustrations at these by JANE MUSKENS College Student Society office. Unfor- tunately the gold is now off limits to all athletic clubs who might need extra “the gold is now off limits” decided, as of this term, that they will no longer fund the clubs directly. experience as to how these socials events. function, but the society is willing to give the revenue earned from the “300 or more over-worked students” So if your volleyball team, karate club or basketball team is having trouble tightening their belts, here is an excellent opportunity for you to get your friends together, have a good time and support your club through an evening of volunteer work for your student society. | also suggest you Any Douglas College athletic clubs which now find their expenses soaring into the big league will still have an opportunity to receive some funding This policy is a student society effort to distribute funds evenly to the entire student body rather than a large sum of money going directly into athletic drop into the student society office and check out what the profits are at these functions. You might just be sur- prised. social to the club which did the volunteer work. At these socials, the volunteers will learn how to stop individuals from crashing through the ICOME AND WATCH THE ‘LEGENDS’ Bobby Hull and Gordie Howe willbe playing hockey with the © Douglas College Royals against the Vancouver Canuck Oldtimers Monday, October October 15th at Queen's Park Arena 7:30 p.m. Adults $9.00 | Children (12 years.and under) $5.00 Tickets can purchased from Betty Lou Hayes - 1338 or at VTC, CBO and outlets ES CRUSE re en ISA Oe ee SE sey, as vats + ht Beis, a: fas eee ae veins ea Wet ece', ts tt i Bhe oe S a Me — = 5 S: Ayer y ay “ oe Gi Organizational meeting Fri., Oct. Sth Combatants Room 4:00 : Tre ss rt atsey sé ~ SCeuzis ac nee . 8. . ene ** ° 6:30 to 8:00 = 5:30 to 7:00 2:82 a es Mon. and Wed. = B Come down and sign up during these 354 Re times in the Combatants room See wees: These clubs are co-ed pe Sas = : Aerobics and slow stretch classes ®: Rooms 1313 and 1315 Sieeypes Aerobics everyday except Friday 12:10 to 12:50 S002 C7 wf en . ts ara’ ern Saye > Mit Stee eh la atte ee Sie Ac8'> ce) * Oe 28 Slow Stretch Tues. 12:10 to 12:50 4:40 to 5:20 22 vee 11:00 to 12:00 “28 4:40 to 5:20 2B a eg? Fees : $2.00 for drop-in ee gS" $1.00 per class if you purchase a pass :3 Thurs. S25, 154, Rit we re DANI rae ee s Rs: PGs w ea Spee ASN e cet ce Ss Ch Pee MEE FP oR)