TASKS TO BE PERFORMED: CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT brews tLe La Mad Hatter Page 7 ARCHIVES Conduct needs analysis using surveying techniques involving questionnaires, interviews and previous studies. When appropriate, design and implement sampling plans. Analyze data. Write reports and make recommendations. Prepare proposals or advise faculty on proposal writing for Ministry of Education, outside agency or internal grants for any aspect of program development. Carry out the initial steps of program development from the Task Analysis phase to the objective writing in conjunction with subject matter experts. Work with and advise faculty on the design, development and evaluation of instructional materials and evaluation tools. Provide workshops for faculty as required in needs analysis, proposal writing, program development, course ware development and list development. QUALIFICATIONS LOOKED FOR: ee A post graduate degree with relevant training and/or equivalent experience in evaluation, quantitative methods and program development. Project management experience. The knowledge and ability to conduct task analysis workshops. A knowledge of instructional techniques, teaching strategies, and test development. An ability to work cooperatively with people. EXPERIENCE LOOKED FOR: A working knowledge of the social service, health and vocational or technical programs. A knowledge of the DACUM system of program development. A knowledge of computer assisted instruction and computer managed learning. Depending on funds available, and tasks identified, work on projects could be full-time or part-time.