Mad Hatter Page 14 to help individuals tu ldeatity their skilis, aptitudes, and interests. In ebdibttiun, needs, values and career alternatives are clarified. Students are taught decision-making skills ami ta relate self-information to occupational information so that they can make career choices compruent with the lifestyle they seck. Students are alse Patrgdt how to implement carcer choices through discussion about such topics as job hunting aglrategtes. b) Education/Training Alternatives — Counsel bitsy for this sphere of a person's life requtgus heli ne individuals identify the educational or training options which meet their career/lifestyle choices. It can also include helping individuals leorn what factors contribute to their learning for the purpose of increasing their learning efficiency ani effectiveness. c) Personal/Social Development - Iniéividuals seeking help for this sphere of their lives need assistance to sort out Values, needs and priorities. This ineclurles helping persons to increase self-confidence, enhance self-esteem aml improve relationships. Providing assistance with this process contributes to more produclive and effective educational performance. Il. Methods (Strategies) of Counselling Interventions Interventions that counsellors use are: a) direct service b) consultation c) institutional development d) professional development a) Direct Service involves providing counsel Ling services to;individuals or groups. This may include such activities as giving information, interpreting tests, making appraisals and referrals, offering guidance and advice, providing support, and teaching goal-setting, decision~ making, and interpersonal communication skills. An implicit purpose of providing direct service is to maximize access to, and utilization of, educational opportunities. b) Consultation/Liaison may involve exchanging information and/or Services; providing in-service training; applying human relations principles in dealing with others; acting as advocate, advisor, or intermediary; and promoting the use of counselling services. Consultation may be internal: dealing with students, faculty, staff,